You're Insecure..........

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Harry: And he thinks that you’re crazy, because he thinks you’re amazing. He doesn’t believe a single word that comes out that says how your outfit doesn’t look good, how your laugh is stupid, how your hips are too wide or how your teeth aren’t straight enough. He thinks you’re possibly stupid or even blind, because he sees no faults in you, and can’t begin to imagine how anybody would.

Liam: And he hates it, because all he wants you to feel is beautiful, and you don’t. He tries his best to try and get you to see how he does, to see how incredibly wonderful you are, but there seems to be something that blocks you from that. And he doesn’t give up, because he wants you to know how truly amazing you are.

Louis: And it makes him sad, because he feels like he’s to blame. With people on your back each day telling you how you’re not good enough, and how he deserves better when really, you’re beautiful and you both love each other, but you don’t love yourself like he loves you. And he feels like if it wasn’t for all the popularity of the band and the jealous teenage girls, maybe you’d love yourself a bit more.

Niall: And he can’t imagine how you’d think like that. He looks at you and he can’t help but smile, because you make him so happy and you’re so unbelievably beautiful without realising it. So when you put yourself down or brush off compliments he gives you, he tries to see how you do, and can’t. Because you’re too amazing to be thought of like that.

Zayn: And he gets angry, because no matter how hard he tries, you still think the same. In that sense, you’re stubborn, but that makes him angry because you’re beautiful and all he sees is perfection, and all you see is a mess. And he gets angry at himself, because he’s convinced he’s not trying hard enough, not being as good to you as he could, so maybe that’s why you don’t see like him.



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