Mistletoe kiss part two

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After two songs, you spotted Michael talking with a girl, Rose, she had a crush on Michael for like 6 months. Suddenly you saw Michael taking her hand as they moved into the crowd. The way she looked at him was just so special, she looked at him with sparkling eyes. The dj played a slow song, and you saw how she rested her head on Michael’s shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. Your felt your heart falling into pieces.
“Y/n, are you feeling okay?” Ashton asked you.
“I’m fine.”
Then you saw how she tried to clasp her hand with Michael’s, you had enough of that shit.
“Ashton, I think I-I need some air.” You said as you walked out of there heading to the balcony.
You were staring at nothing, trying to contain yourself, just thinking about Michael and Rose. 
“What if he starts to like her and forgets about me? What if he never liked me?” You asked yourself.
When you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned around, it was Michael.
“Are you ok? What happened?” He asked you concerned.
“I’m fine.” You said.
“Then why you walked out from the party like that?” He asked you.
“Why is it so important to you?!” You yelled.
“Because I care about you, and I don’t want you to be like this.” He shouted.
“What do you mean like this?” You asked.
“Sad. I can see it in your face, you can’t lie to me, I know you perfectly.” He said.
“You don’t know me at all.”
“I actually do. You got a bit mad when I started dancing with Rose.” He said.
“Then, why were you dancing with her? You knew how would I feel, but you did it anyways” You said in a jealous tone.
“So, that what was all about. You are jealous.” He smirked.
“What? I’m not jealous.” You said.
“Yes, you are. Let me explain you, I saw her there alone and just asked her to dance with me. That’s all, she’s just a friend to me.” He said tilting your head up forcing you to look him directly into his eyes.
“Am I a friend for you too?” You said as he looked up and stared at something. So, you looked up too and saw mistletoe.
“We don’t have to do this.” You said.
“Yes, we have to.” He said as he quickly pushed his lips against you softly placing a longing, greedy kiss on your lips. His hands fell on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips left your minutes later.
“You’re my best friend, and I’ve always wanted to change that.” He confessed.
“Michael, you can tell that guy, I’m in love with him too.” You said.
“I love you y/n.” He said.
“I love you too Mikey.”


"I guess so." You said.
Cookies were almost done, you were stirring in the chocolate chips and then put them in the oven, when suddenly he sprinkled flour on your face and started to laugh about it.
“Ashton wtf? Oh no, war has just been declared.” You said as you started to chase him around the kitchen to take revenge.
“No! No Y/n, please. I’m sorry.” He begged.
“Too late.” You said as you took away the flour from Ashton’s hands and spread it all over his body.
“You shouldn’t have done that y/n. You’ll have to face the consequences.” He said.
“Ha ha, what consequences?” You said and he pressed you against the sink.
“Wtf you think you’re doing?” You yelled.
“This is what you’ve always wanted y/n, just admit it.” He said.
“I’ve never wanted this. I bet you always have wet dreams about me.” You shouted and he looked up and then looked you with a grin on his face, so you looked up too.
“You gotta be kidding me. Is that mistletoe?” You asked.
“Yep.” He said.
“Let me go Ashton.” You shouted.
“No until I get my kiss.” He said.
“You won’t get it.” You said and he lowered down and pressed his lips against yours roughly at first, then the kiss became sweet, deep and slow.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.” He said and kissed you again, you tangled your hands on his hair and he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Me too.” You whispered as he slowly stroke your cheek.
“I really like you y/n. Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?” He asked you.
“I don’t know Ash. There are some rumors about you at school and I”
“Rumors! Are you serious? Y/n all those rumors were invented by my ex, because she can’t get over the fact I don’t like her anymore. I broke up with her because I started to have feelings for you” He yelled cutting you off.
“Oh, I didn’t know that. I’m sorry Ash.” You said.
“You don’t have to be sorry, it’s not your fault. So, will you go on a date with me?” He asked you.
“Of course Ash.” You said as you kissed him passionately.


You woke up with the sound of your mom and little brother excitement downstairs.
“Today is Christmas.” You sighed.
You picked up your iPhone to see if there were any messages or missed phone calls from Calum, but there weren’t. You got up from your bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. 
“Y/n, why are you taking so long in there?” Your mom asked from outside the bathroom.
“I’m almost finished.” You answered.
“We are going out for christmas, get ready quick.” She said as you got out of the bathroom.
“Mom, I don’t want to go out. I want to stay home.” You said.
“But it’s christmas honey.” She said.
“I don’t care if it’s christmas or whatever I don’t want to go.” You yelled as you went to your room and slammed the door.
“Y/n open the door. I know you miss Calum, but you don’t have to be depressed for it.” She said.
“Go away and leave me alone.” You shouted and you heard footsteps going away.
You stayed on your bed the whole day face down, you didn’t eat anything. You looked out of the window and it was all dark and you haven’t heard from Calum during the whole day.

Your mom and your little brother were having dinner when they heard someone knocking on the door. She went to the front door to open it and what she saw took her by surprise.
“Calum!” Your mom said dumfounded as she hugged him tight.
“Good evening mrs.(last name)” He said.
“May I see y/n?”
“Sure son, but she’s a little depressed. She doesn’t want to talk to me.” She said.
“I’ll do my best.” He said and went upstairs quickly.

You heard someone knocking on your door and getting into your bedroom.
“Mom, I told you to leave me alone.” You shouted.
You felt fingers running over your hair, and slowly brushing it. You turned around to see who it was.
“Calum, what are you doing here? I thought you were too busy to come see me.” You said.
“I’m sorry. I love you more than you think, and I’ll prove it.” He said and he walked out of the room. He brought his guitar and started to sing Mistletoe by JB. When he finished singing he pulled you closer to him and got something out of his pocket. He lifted his arm with that thing on his hand and you looked up to see what it was, it was mistletoe.
“You cheater, that’s not how it works.” You said.
“Who cares?” He said as his lips shaped against yours in a hungry kiss. The kiss only took seconds to escalate, before his tongue was shoving itself into your mouth.
“Our last show canceled and.” He tried to explain himself but you put your finger on his lips.
“It doesn’t matter anymore just keep kissing me.” You grinned.


"Actually, I’ve never had a girlfriend before. That’s why my friends tease me all the time."
“Oh, I reckon your first girlfriend will be really sweet and cute.” You assured.
“I know she will.” He said looking at you.
You both finished your hot chocolate, but you didn’t want this moment to end, and he felt the same way. 
“Where do you live?” He asked you.
“I live two blocks down the street.”
“Really? Me too, we can go to our houses together.” He grinned.
“Sounds good to me, but I didn’t bring my car.”
“Don’t worry, we can walk.”
You left Starbucks with him by your side, you were cold and your coat was wet because of the hot chocolate. He noticed that and he took off his jacket and put it on you.
“Thanks Lucas.” You smiled.
“I like your smile, I’ve always believed a smile is the best way to inspire people.” He said.
“So does it mean I inspire you?”
“You do.” He blushed.
When you were 20 steps away from your house you noticed the second floor lights were on.
“Is there someone in the house?” Luke asked you.
“Maybe is my best friend.”
You stopped at the front door of your house. It was time to say goodbye.
“I had a really good night with you Luke.”
“Maybe we should bump into each other more often.” He said laughing.
“It was fun.” You said laughing.
You looked at the door and what you saw made you stopped laughing. Luke looked at the door and he smirked.
“Mistletoe.” Luke said.
“Oh, this is so embarrassing. I swear I didn’t placed that there, it should have been my best friend or someone else, we don-” He cut you off with a soft kiss, you felt his smile in the middle of the kiss. He clasped his hands with yours after the kiss finished.
“Good way to say goodbye.” You said.
“I agree.” He smiled.
“Goodbye Luke.”
“Goodbye y/n.”
You got into the house and went to your bedroom. Your best friend was there and gave you a mysterious look. 
“He is handsome.” She said.
“Wait, you saw all of that.” You blushed.
“Of course I did. Is that his jacket?” She asked.
“Damn! I forgot to give it back to him.” You said and ran to the front door, but you didn’t find him instead you found a folded paper.
You unfolded it and it said:
Hey y/n, if you’re reading this you may have realized you have my jacket and I didn’t asked for it. I really wanted to see you again, see you tomorrow (same time, same place). -Lucas

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