He has a break down

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Harry: You wake up from your nap and shuffle groggily down the hallway fixing your hoodie. As you turn the corner you see your boyfriend throw a magazine across the table and bury his face in his hands. “Harry?” you quietly question. There’s no reply but you continue over to the bare spot on the couch next to your boyfriend and gently place a hand on his back and run your hand along the space between his shoulder blades.  You can tell from his body language that something isn’t right. “Harry, what’s wrong?” you ask resting your head on his shoulder. He lifts his head up and you look at him. His cheeks are red with frustration and his eyes swollen. “I had to say it (y/n), they made me.” He blurts out putting his fingers in his curls and leaning back onto the couch. “Say what, Haz? What are you talking about?” you interrogate, not having a clue about what he’s talking about. “What’s in the magazine,” he begins pointing to the magazine across the room. “It isn’t true, you have to believe me.” He pleads as he breaks and collapses into his hands again. This is the first time you have ever seen Harry cry. You pull him into your arms and stroke the top of his head while soothing him with your words. After a few moments he looks up at you. You wipe away the last tear and kiss him gently. “Okay, start over. Take a deep breath.” You instruct mocking a deep breath for him then he copies. “What’s wrong?” He pauses for a moment looking blankly at the magazine then looks back at you. He gets up and grabs the magazine, flips through the pages, and hands it to you on the page of his interview. You read it and periodically flash him disgusted looks. When you’re done you close it and place it on your lap. “(y/n) I’m sorry, I didn’t want to say any of it. I-“You cut him off. “Harry stop. I’m not angry at you. I know you wouldn’t knowingly say this.” You explain placing your hand on is thigh. “But what about the part about how many people I’ve slept with, or when they asked me about you, or what they said about the band?” He questions frantically. You reach for his hand and he laces his fingers with yours. “Harry, I’m not angry. They twisted your words; they’re going to try to get the side of you that doesn’t exist. And I don’t care how many people you’ve slept with before me because it’s none of my business.” You explain calmly. “I love the Harry Styles that I know, not the one the media’s created.” You add. He locks his eyes on you and his lips lamely curl into a smile. “You really mean that?” he asks leaning in a bit closer. “Of course Haz.” You smile wrapping your arms around him. He nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck then whispers in your ear, “I love you too.” You lips find his and kiss them for a long time before pulling away. “Feeling better?” you question putting a hand to his cheek. “Tons…you’re the best, you know that?” You smile, “I know” you reply cheekily as he pulls you back into his embrace.

Louis: “Louis hurry up!” You shout pounding the door of the bathroom. “Just a minute!” He shouts back with an irritated tone. You sigh and lean against the wall next to the door, and after a few seconds he opens the door. You hang your towel behind the door, but you notice Louis hasn’t looked away from the mirror, but instead just looks blankly at it. “Lou, you okay?” you ask reaching into the cabinet next to him. “yeah” he replies nonchalantly and sucks in his stomach.  He sighs and takes his shirt off then repeats the action. You watch him briefly then chime in, “Louis, what are you doing?”. He lets out a deep breath and slumps over, shaken by something that you aren’t aware of. “Nothing” He says lamely and walks out of the bathroom. You decide to take your shower and give him space. When you return into your room Louis isn’t there. You quickly get dressed and search the house. Finally you see your boyfriend resting in lounge chair on the deck overlooking your property. You slide open the glass door and drape your arms around him from behind planting a kiss on his cheek. “Everything okay, Lou?” you ask sweetly. There is no response so you kneel down in front of him. You look into his eyes that are red, puffy, and distraught. “Louis, were you crying?” You put your hand up to cup his cheek. “Louis please tell me what’s wrong.” You beg. “(y/n) please just go away.” He requests gently taking your hand away from his face and placing it in your lap. “No Louis, you aren’t okay.” He rolls his eyes then looks at you as if he’s going to break any second. “Fine (y/n) if you’re so curious, everything’s wrong.” He retorts sarcastically. “Every tabloid is eating me alive for my resent twitter post about my privacy. They say that I’m rude, and disloyal to my fans, but more so my band. I’m a disgrace to One Direction, and if it isn’t my personality their eating up, their constantly making remarks about my appearance. I’m either too fat, I dress too gay, I can’t handle it!” He spits out. He bites his knuckle and you can see he’s trying to hold back tears. “Louis… Louis…” you start, but he continues faintly. “I’ve been dealing with this for years; It just gets hard…really, really hard.” He sniffles back the tears but you wrap your arms around him and you can feel the emotional weight fall into your embrace. You rub his back and kiss the top of his head. “Louis, I know it’s hard. But you have to believe me. You’re perfect, everyone has their moments. Your fans love you, the boys love you, and I love you.” You whisper. “Louis, look at me.” You demand quietly. He sits up and brokenly looks at you. “Louis, you are not the person they say you are, and you know that.” You explain. He sighs and looks out in the distance. “I know (y/n), it just doesn’t get easier. They’re all out to get me” His words pierce you because you know their true and both you and him are helpless. “I know they are. But you can let them get to you.” You lean back into the chair and he adjusts himself so his head is in your lap. “At least I have you.” He admits with a smile before closing his eyes. “Always” you say quietly as you lean over and kiss his lips. “Thank you (y/n) I love you.” He whispers. “I love you too Louis, you okay now?” He nods his head and tries to sleep away the pain.

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