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Ashton: Waking up to Ashton was always the best part of your day. Your eyes would slowly open to see your boyfriend right next you, his arm draped over you and soft snores escaping his slightly pursed lips. His moppy light brown hair covered his little eyes and he smelled like fresh sheets and last night’s cologne. You would snuggle deeper into his chest and play with his hair between your index finger and thumb. “Babe.” His raspy voice would say, you would giggle and give him a little kiss on the nose. “Wake up, sleepy head.” You would say, but he would just pull you closer to him and tiredly rub your back. “No, we’re staying in bed today.” He would quietly say, his eyes still closed. He would give you one last kiss on the forehead and you would both drift back into a deep sleep.

Michael: When you thought of Michael, one of the first things that came to your mind were his cuddles. Whether it was a shitty day, a happy day, a rainy day, a sunny day, or any day, Michael was one to always has his arms around you. You would spend lazy Sunday mornings on the couch, huddled up under a bunch of blankets, with cups of hot tea in your hands. He would snuggle his head under your chin, his soft hair tickling you. You guys would watch stupid TV shows for hours, and laugh about stupid things that no one else on this entire world would ever think was funny. It were days like this that made you so ever grateful that Michael as yours. All yours.

Calum: You were always asked what your favorite part about being Calum’s girlfriend was. Of course there were so many things you adored about your boyfriend, but one of your favorite things are his cuddles. Every night he was home you would end the day, lying in bed with him, just talking. He would tell you funny stories from tour and you would tell him all the funny jokes his fans send to you everyday. He would smell like Calum, the only scent you could recognize no matter what. The small bed you shared would be warm and his fingers would be intertwined with yours, with your head on his chest. He would repeatedly say how much he loves you until his soft heartbeat sang you to sleep. He would give you one last kiss on the forehead and he would slowly drift into sleep right next to you.

Luke: The way Luke cuddled you always made you feel better. It would be one of those days. Those days where the world sucked, and you hated everything. You would come home and Luke would be right there with you. “Baby.” He would softly say, as he pulled you onto his chest. You would rest your weary head on his chest as he played with your hair. Hours would go by and you two would remain silent. You didn’t need to talk, as you were both too relaxed, basking in each others’ warmth. He would say how much he loves you in a way so soft, you could barely hear the tired cracks in his voice. It only made you snuggle in closer and never want to let go.

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