Sees you naked for the first time

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Niall:Warm fingers tangle around the hook located on your back, hands removing the last piece of clothing away from you. Now there’s a devilish smirk spread over his lips, mouth becoming dry.  Widened eyes manage to trail up and down your body as he recognize every single one of your curves even in the dark. His strong arm tenses, as he uses it to pull you a bit closer to him, smile sill frozen on his lips. You’re his now.

Zayn:You manage to shiver even though the warmth of his body pressed on you is overwhelming. A breath is sucked in your mouth as you feel him shifting, his entire body weight gravitating towards you, warm hand trailing a line over your naked stomach. And he smiles - to himself mostly - big eyes appearing darker as he leans in again leaving wet kisses all over your neck.

Louis:He tries to smirk, but those are his eyes that manage to give away some surprise; he’s never thought it was possible to look as good as that. But it’s not just about your body, not really; it’s the feeling he has as the only one to see you like that, the only one worth you. As he pulls you closer to him it’s all clear to him; he’ll be the only one who can treat you right. 

Liam:Excitement rushes through his naked body as his eyes recognize the new, confident side of you, the one that is not afraid or ashamed. That makes the smile on his face grow a bit larger, warm pair of hand getting attached to your body. The beat of his heart increases as he pulls you a bit closer to him, the fulness of his lips pressed to your neck.

Harry:A wave of anxiety rushes through your body as the length of his fingers encircles around the hook of your bra, warm hand removing the only piece of clothing left on you. Your hands fly up, palms pressing to your newly exposed chest, but he’s faster, nudging your hands away from you. “No”, he protests pressing a kiss to your neck, “you’re beautiful.” Your cheeks turn slightly red color as you feel yet another kiss placed to your skin, one of your breasts now pressed to his palm. “God, so beautiful.”

One Direction and 5SOS preference book 2.0Where stories live. Discover now