38 -- Room 358 and Janitor's Closets

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Hey guys. Sorry for the late update. I've been super busy :/ So nobody hate me after this chapter please. I mean I know I've said this before, but really now... This is the big dramatic twist at the end... Please comment, vote, fan.

Now off to reading.


 The next day at school was like the last. People still pointed, whispered, and giggled as I walked by. Ashley would glare at me when I walked past, but she wouldn’t even come near me. Braden and Reese were more persistent than usual at trying to get me now that I broke up with Alex. The guys let me go nowhere alone. So how I ended up alone in a janitor's closet with Alex was a mystery. Well actually it was Noah and his damn bladder again.

“What do you want?” I snarled as he locked the door.

He looked at me, his eyes soft, no sparkle. They held sadness, rejection, pain and I wondered how he had the decency to feel those when he put me through hell and back. A glimmer of hope shone in the back as he looked at me. “I want to talk to you. I have to talk to you.”

I scoffed. “Didn’t get my answer last time. I believe it was, ‘In a million years.’ I’m going to stick to that and I’m pretty sure your time’s not up yet. So bye,” I said lunging at the door. He blocked me. “Alex move.”

“Why?” he said quietly. I raised an eyebrow. “Why are you acting like you don’t care?”

I narrowed my eyes and pointed a finger at his chest. He has enough guts to ask me why when he broke my heart? “Has the thought ever occurred to you that I don’t care? Have you ever even stopped a second to think that maybe you can’t break me? Maybe you can’t hurt me? Maybe I hate you! Because I do. I meant what I said that day Alex. I hate you.” My glare was full of fury and ice.

I was about to bitch slap him and march out of the closet when his words stopped me. “I love you.”

I was taken back for a millisecond. Did he really love me? Had he loved me all along? It was a lie. He didn’t love me. He never did. He wouldn’t have cheated on me if he did. “I loved you. But that was before you went around hooking up with every slut on the block.” I would tell anyone without a doubt I didn’t love him anymore, but the little pieces that were still left of my heart said I did and I always had. I never stopped loving him, even now.

His eyes grew pained as if someone had just shot him and I could swear I almost saw a tear in his eye. But it was all part of his little plan to try to get me back. It had to be. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, the door opened. Noah walked in. “There you are!” He saw Alex. “You?! You no good fuc—” I used the distraction as I grabbed Noah’s arm and dragged him away before he beat Alex. “Why did you do that?! I was going to kill him!” I rolled my eyes. But it might not be a bad idea letting him kill Alex.


A week past. The taunting eventually died down as other gossip replaced it. It was only high school; all news eventually fades. Life seemed to go back as it was before me and Alex were dating where everyone thought of me as weird for hanging out with only guys, where Braden and Reese hit on me constantly, where me and the guys hung out and had no drama. Except now I had a broken heart that I had given up on picking up the pieces. I forgot about trying to take time into my own hands and just smiled when it hurt the most. The guys helped me a lot, always being comforting and there for me. We played paintball with Jace which also helped. I hoped time would just heal it eventually if ever.

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