chapter 15: surpise gifts

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Harley pov:

I was beyond happy, he was home as me and him still in each others embrass smiled at one another. he spoke in a tired but happy voice"you have no idea the day i had come on  cupcake lets eat"I smiled happly and kissed his cheek happly taking the food from him and sitting down by him on the couch that was up stairs  in our hudge ass like  apartment room.He sits next to me as he turned on the TV and started eating with me . He  relaxed a bit then frowned a bit something was on his mind.."puddin whats the matter"

joker pov:

I sigh deeply... looking at those eyes of hers"there looking for you harls"*i put my arms around her ...."everyone in Gotham""let them look im not leaving your side mistah j ever I promise" she leans against me as she watching TV with me  i smirk a little hearing that did make me feel a little better shed chose me over anyone in the one else right...?"so wanna still get those tattoos cutie" she nodded"if your not too tired" i just  give a  grin then add kissing her neck"i can manage  but let me show you the weapons i got made for you first i took out the box and  handed it to her.

Harley pov:

i opened the box seeing a bat  that side goodnight on the side of it it was a wooden bat... a mallet... and a hand gun it was beautiful it had the words love on one side of the barrel on the other hate .. where you would hold the gun it was white...."oh puddin i love them "i smile happly"he chuckles then adds in kind of the way a  game show host would  he had a box big enough for a shirt or something i got so excited  as he poured himself some grap soda..i opened the box seeing a jacket i picked it up on  the back it said "propriety of joker" i was speech less i loved the jacket"you like it huh"he chuckled then pointed in the box"there something else in there i had made for you pooh"i looked and saw this choker i picked it  up it said puddin on it"Oh j this will go prefect with my one outfit"he chuckled"i cant wait to see it.."

joker pov:

Seeing her happy face as she showed me the clothes she got I pointed out to the jester outfit.."this i want you to ware on your big deput i have big plans for who wants some tattoos done"I  grin wildly she claps and kisses me"i do i do..."god I love this girl!

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