chapter 5:Long Days, Long Nights

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Harlene pov:I didn't  want to stay in my apartment, cause i see is what happened all over the apartment i needed to get out. I wanted to go back to work, most important ally i wanted to see him.I instended  to Wendy, I  was fine she was worried it was too soon for me to go back to work yet. She became like a second mother to me, the mother i wish i had but never had to began with. I grew attached to her she had a little girl,and  was a single parent in Gotham man that I couldn't imagine. It must of stressed her out and worried her so much, her daughter became like a sister to me i would help her with her homework.  She drove me to work with her I felt better having someone besides mistah j to talk to some sort of normal,but since i got that i was changing i could feel it. But i had to see him i wanted to know if he knew about the guy busting out i had to know! As we went into Arkharm i went into my office as Wendy waved to me that she'd see me at lunch. I always ate lunch with her in the cafeteria she mostly brought stuff from her place way better then the stuff they served. I often thought they were trying to poison the staff too at least thats what riddler or ivy told me every morning looking at my breakfast as i passed by them. I never saw why ivy was here she just loved nature just took it a bit to the extreme sure,but with powers like hers she could do good if she wanted to. As i came inside my office there in the middle of  the desk  was  a rose in a vase. I looked at the tag on the rose it said the letter J on it he did know about it, he must of been worried or something to go through all this trouble for me. Mistah J was out of his cell but how?? They weren't kidding when they said he is smart and can trick anyone. Yet i quickly took the tag off  and put rose by the window sill. As i did my paper work to prepare for the day i was about to have. As put it away and headed to the session room to see Mistah J I was both eager and nervous he would notice what the man did to me. But would he get upset seeing the bruises on me.??I really seemed to start to like to see him smile rather then frown it somewhat made my day.

 The Joker's pov: I laughed to myself man ant i slick, i still knew what women loved flowers and she seemed the type to adore roses.  Paying off one of the guards to put that rose in her office though was a stroke of genius on my part. I wasn't about to tell her i didn't put it there of course not, that is no fun at all.  I waited for her in the session room somewhat like an eager teenager waiting for his crush, god how pathetic is that??! I herid her voice that soothing voice on the other side of the door, talking to the guard from this morning."His pretty mad  today had a little outburst last night,  doc you sure you want him without the  the straight jacket? I think, he has a little crush on you, with how he was fliping out i think he was referring to you when we brought in that scum, and who can blame him with that smile of yours brightens even the crazy's days."I growled she was mine! I knew he was flirting he flirted with all the female doctor and nurses it was pathetic really! Are is gonna be mine, wait did i just admit that shes mine?? He he screw it she will be..!!!That or I'll go back to the presvouis plan ether way i was getting out of this place.

Harlene pov:I smiled he was the  older guard that worked here Jason was his name he seemed to always hit on me which i just shrugged off. Wendy said anytime the guards see a new pretty face there like this, they need a social life big time.He  was always kind to me, or was that cause  i was pretty? But i didn't like how he treated Mistah J at all he was a human being. I hated it made me angry just to watch i felt helpless  cause i couldn't stop them."I'll be fine his improving with me maybe your right about the smile."He nodded and went inside seeing The Joker waiting for me he looked so tired yet his eyes i knew he was looking at me up and down to see if i was hurt. He took off the straight jacket then says somewhat fearful and nervous."Will be outside, will know if you need us if you press the panic button underneath the table."I nod and sit down  crossing my legs trying to hide the bruises the best i can. He was free enough i even convinced them to take off his culfs on his feet only the ones on his hands remained. I told my boss if i get him to trust me it might be easier i had to get his trust this was the next step."Did you know about him escaping?"Joker saw my face as he turned to me he frowned seeming very unhappy about it. He was looking out the window his blue eyes deep in thought like he was in his own world. when he  looks at me he finally spoke  staring at me making eye contact."Honestly i can't believe im saying this Hun i didn't know. Till i herid the alarm early in the morning and saw the bastard, the bat brought him in. How close do you live near here anyway??"I felt a need to answer was he worried about me when him of all people didn't have to be."A mile  or two away." He sighs like i said something wrong growling a bit as he spoke."Thats the bad side of town you shouldn't be there. Harls?did he hurt you?" He notices the bandage and walks over to me, i couldn't help but i wanted to cry to him. I went back in my seat quickly as far as i could from him. What was he doing now??

 The Joker pov: For some reason i didn't want to scare her, but those bruises made me mad that someone touched her in such a way,as i saw tears in her eyes. I stop and said looking at her as i whips her eyes."I just wanna see what he did to you Harley. I'm not gonna hurt my favorite doctor."I saw her blush looking away for a moment but nodded singling me it was ok to look. I could tell what ever that scum did to her effected her. I knelled down  since i  was  taller then her,and took off the bandage it was a  scar on that beautiful face of hers.My,my Harley's face i growled i was angry i couldn't protect her cause i was here! But wait why did i want to protect her so much was beyond me.I herid her voice as i turned around my back was facing her."Mistah J you gave me the rose, cause you thought it was your fault?Cause you let that man get to you." She was right damn this woman!! She saw right through me! As i saw through her she had darkness in her secrets i could relate to i just had to have her open up. I knew that now i wanted to know her more, through before i could  act on my plan i had to still sweet talk her."Yeah sorry Harley." She smiled at me sweetly ,i didn't understand her not being scared of me being who i am she should be. But she was not at all she always came into the room with a genuine smile. Why did that smile make me feel something i haven't in so long. The session went by really quickly, i really didn't want her to leave i wanted more time with her i didn't care what we talked about as long as she was here.But i knew id see her tomorrow as she left i felt something i haven't felt since.No stop dont go there Joker not ever again the plan the plan stick to it! Shes too good for the likes of you. You don't disrive someone so kind hearted like her. So don't even go there. My mind for  the first time fighting itself at least the voices was.

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