chapter 7: Going Down That Road

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Harlene pov: As I drove  to get the guns,  i hesitated why was i risking everything for this one man?The man who's eyes were like a ragging storm?This  mad man??  Cause you love him a voice in my head told me over and over. Your in love with  him Harlene,I kept telling myself that as i drove to buy the guns. There was no going back i made my chose no chickening out i had really nothing to lose to began with. I was alone in this city, im real mother could care less for me.Even through i spent my whole life trying to prove to her i was more then that scared child.No i chose this road  cause i was done being alone, i wanted to be with someone who understood me.I had to go through with it , it was now or never i wouldn't go back on my word.I wanted to be with him ,near him, to give him comfort when he needed it the most. Around him every second not just for a damn session in  Arkharm it wasn't enough anymore!Not for me i wanted to feel his touch against mine. I wanted him all the time when i woke up in the  moring. To kiss me like he did with such intense  lust and want. To look at me with those piecing blue eyes like i meant something to someone for once in my life! But they always made me weak in the knees all together that i'd give my very soul to him.I wanted him and he wanted me right??Right ?!Of course he did ! Harlene why else would he ask me to do this??!Something outside my comfort zone, something i never even done before. I got the money he had in one of his safe deportee boxes, he told me he was saving the money in case,  for something like this.He sure planed ahead i thought to myself. He told me to get the guns, from a certain gun place cause he did business with the owner. Sounded easy enough right? When i stopped my car, in front  of the gun store i took a deep breath  and kept saying"OK Harlene you can do this." As got out of the car,i sighed holding the money tightly in my hand and walking inside to see tall young man behind the counter."Hello, I'd like to by those machine guns i was sent by J he says you do business with him." The man gave me a wide eyed look at me,  like i was crazy for helping Mistah J. Or had five heads talk about staring like i wasn't a costumer who was willing to pay! I grew annoyed I didn't have time for this  bastard."I said machine guns! Now hunny!"I placed the money on the table he looked down at the money still wide eyed but nodded."now, not tomorrow or ill tell J's boys you refused to give us what we needed." The man gave me a black douffle bag quickly looking scared talk about J putting the fear of god in people, he wasn't kidding. As put a few  of them in the   bag and stared at me as i left i just said to the man."Nice doing business with you hunny."I got in the car putting the bag of guns in the passenger seat next to me. As drove off i followed the address mistah j gave me, he was very picfic of it at least.As i came to the area, this sure seemed like the place where i didn't want to pick a fight that was for sure.Or I'd wind up dead, and on the news but i got out of the car holding the bag  bravely i  knew why i was here to meet his men i had to show no fear around them. As i came up to an apartment pretty much broken down and knocked at the  first door  as i was told.When it opened i saw a much of men pointing guns at me. I was terrified but didn't show it put a brave face and spoke up, remembering to use the name Joker gave me."Im Harley Quinn is rocko here?"I asked as i saw a hudge man push past them,he was one of the men who was watching me now and then. As i handed him the bag looking up to him damn he was tall."Ah you must be the lady the boss talks about,my guess is his ready? "He talks about me?? How sweet!!Snap out of it concertate you got a job to do for your man."Joker said for me to tell you its time. And to give you those toys."He nodded with a smirk on his face he must of been used to Jokers requests ."When can you get us in girly??" I was shocked how prepared his men were then again he did mention Rocko was one who worked with him or seemed to for a long time."Tomorrow, i  can get you in through the back were there is less guards. Then I'll have to go, in the front from there your on your own."He smirks again i have a feeling his done this before. "No problem I see why boss man picked you. You know you belong to him now Quinn?" As i walked away I called back to him."I know i want it no other way!" I got in the car and left into gotham,couldn't wait  for tomorrow to actually hold him close to me, was enough to make me sequel like a school girl.Till tomorrow mistah J.Then will be together i promise i wont let you down.

The Joker pov: My last night in this hell hole oh goodie!! All my work with Harley better not be for nothing  through!! But for some reason I think she , will pull it off without a hitch. But I might need to do, a bit more to finish the job! To make sure shes loyal to me and only me i thought through my thoughts were again fighting each other  for moment.All well it will come to me when I see her tomorrow i suppose. As I fell asleep for the last time in this place..

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