chapter 3:Riot In Prison Just Another Day In Arkharm

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The Jokers pov: The only time they let me out of my cell was during,  breakfast ,lunch and dinner it all looked the same to me looked like oatmeal that or shitt who knew their budget really has gone down hill. I never  ate much here cause me to look pretty sickly that and the drugs they mixed and the electric shock therapy god i hated this place.However i always had  everyone warped around my finger hehe. No one often ever  bothered me  what can i say they were too afraid of me even here.I found myself  most of the times watching away from everyone leaning against a bench. The idiots often agurring over stupid shitt like the food, or some crap i was hardly listening to any of that. When some dumb jackass bumped into me, anger came through like i was gonna snap any second if the man wasn't careful. "Hey watch where your going! Or ill break that pretty face of yours!" The man was  much taller then me about 7 foot and spit in my face,no one disrespect me i owned this city!"Ha yeah right clown! Oh i saw your sexy doctor from my cells!! She looks like a bitch and whore to me! Maybe when i get out ill have my way with her!"He laughed as my  hands turned to fists i was shaking in pure rage, but why?! Why was i getting  more angry  by this shitts words!She was my doctor!Just my doctor! But boy did he have a mouth and lets face it anyone who mouths off to me disrives whats coming to them! And with a swift motion i punched him in the gut and started beating the hell out of him on of his buddies just pulled me off typical if it wasn't for them i would kill the fucker! As one punched me in the face i hit the table pretty hard on my head.Feeling blood dripping down my face. I thought i saw stars like one of those old cartoons i used to watch as a child! I started laughing as  the guards pulled me away to my cell .Ugh damn minor set back!No manner I'm getting out of here with my little doctors help. If she wants to or not i always get the last laugh!

Harlene pov:

I herid my phone ringing it was early not even time for me to come into work. Too early I then began to think, did something happen to mistah J?Why was i worrying about a psychopath!? What the hell is wrong with me??! His messing with you Harlene!! plan and simple ! I talked to myself a lot  when i was angry or upset .But i tried to do it when no one was around cause the kind it was more then one person talked back.  I sigh and quickly pick up my phone to  hear my boss on the other end of line typical this is what i get for accepting this job."The Joker got into a riot  with another inmate  this morning. We need you to come in right now, his giving everyone a hard time and how you are with him you could be useful."I replied quickly thinking what is he throwing me to the wolves!"I'm on my way  sir." I barley got any sleep due to all the paper work i had to do now i had to go back!He hung up i gave a deep sigh  well no one said this was gonna be easy harlene. As i quickly got ready and went to work putting my hair up making sure to apply fresh make up. As i drove up to arkharm i kept thinking what could he have done that he needed his shrink their??  I come up to the gate showing my id like i always did and parked my car. I quickly walked inside to Arkharm seeing a man being taking to the hopstial wing on a stretcher covered in blood of the  asylum..?Did Mistah J do that? And why ?Wendy greeted me and gave me some coffee. She propally could tell i didn't sleep that much with all the paper work i had to do."Good luck you'll need it. He nearly killed that inmate took four guards to get him off of the other man. His waiting for you, oh and he may have a nasty cut on his head."I nodded walking to the section room as i opened the door seeing the joker,he was hurt his head on the table he had his eyes closed he looked like even the slightest noise or light bothered him.I saw his head was still bleeding was he refusing treatment?What a child? And i was positive he was a tad older then me. The nurse who  they left in there to try to look at his wound, looked at me  with a long sigh but seemed scared of being there with him."He won't let me look at his wound, so i can't tell if he needs sitches."I sigh this man was stubborn like a child  thats deferentially going in my notes The Joker doesn't like being taken care of.I shook my head,for a killer he was kinda of funny not wanting anyone to help him, it was also sad everyone needed help sometimes no matter who they were."It's OK ill look at it i took some first aid classes in high school, and in college."She hands me the first aid kit and leaves smiling to me in a thankful look. I touch his shoulder gentelly ,he kinda of looked so tired but i had to wake him up to take a look at his head."Mistah J wake up its Harley?"My voice trying to sound as soft as possblie poor guy must have a headache. But i was ready this time to handle him.

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