chapter 11: the new harley

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Joker's pov:

As  i drove to my hideout at the edge of Gotham..i past some of my clubs i owned so many places in Gotham already.but her..she was gonna be my partner Harley.. she was gonna be my other half..i smirk . i put my eyes on her sleeping in the pesanger side of my car eyeing her every soft breath she  took. Her skin now as white as mine, her hair a different shade of blonde almost like a bleach blonde, with blue highlights on one end and a bright pink color on the other. She looked like my own crazy little angel a female version of myself. I gave her my jacket when we got out she was crulled up  in what looked like a ball, i could tell she liked the smell of my exespivse colon'e that i wore.. It made me chuckle at how devoted she already was to me just at the thought of it caused me to smile i couldn't help myself.

Harley pov:

I opened my eyes weakly my skin still on fire, hearing him chuckle i look to him."Puddin... I don't feel well."I felt like my skin was on fire,he put his hand on my arm i flinched in pain."im sorry..hang on  baby were almost there ill have to put you in the shower to get the chemicals off  you  just hang in there princess where almost there i promise." i saw him pull up to a mansion."You own this place puddin?" he explains softly with a wide grin on his face looking at the place."I killed the man who owns it and got him to sign over the deed to one of my men, now its ours my Harley."I never had my own house or mansion for that matter i never owned a thing to my name it made me feel spoiled.

Joker pov:

I quickly parked the car and ordered frost  to open the door for me as i carried Harley inside"He looked at me..."boss..?who the girl?"I glare at him and snarl as i answer his question. "it's Harley you idiot now quiet"i carried her to  my bed room and started the shower taking off her clothes or whats left of them and my  jacket... and put her under the cold shower water ...she started to scream i felt sorry for her in a way. But it had to be done i wouldn't have her as insane as me she looked prefect the way she was like a china doll." I have to do this baby shh" ... she cried falling in my arms almost fainting from the pain, first time in that  was always the hardest , as i wrapped a towel around her and picked her up and put her on my bed giving her one of my shirts. i helped  put it on and layed her down as gentelly as i could , i wasn't for being gentle but it hurt when it first happened to me so i understood i might wanna be careful."Rest my,darling Harley Quinn for tomorrow we give you a new look."She falls asleep, well more of passed out pretty quick i had to admit. She  looked so peaceful,so happy to be with someone like me i still didn't understand but she wasn't scared harlene anymore, no she was Harley Quinn.. my Queen of crime..I quickly took a shower seeing my tattoos fadded a bit damn ill fix those later  right now i need sleep , i layed down next to Harley without thinking and fell asleep  holding her softly as she cuddled up next to me. What have you done Joker??I thought to myself.

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