chapter 14:boring business as usual

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joker pov:

author note:(this one chapter is just joker )

I hated going to see  the penguin ..he better not be wasting my time by me coming in person to check his shipment of weapons out.. both me and frost really did seem too eager about seeing him so i told him"your not too eager are you frost"mocking him a bit he was used to this through he worked for me for years."not really the guy smells...boss" i laugh as he drove we didn't use my car cause i had him and two other men with me"that he is why boys id like to  finish this business as quickly as possible.. even through i need that shipment and did the boy we have make Harley's weapons say it will be ready by the time we finish this deal on our way back..i give a serious look ...frost nods to me "yes sir.. he said at the docks right boss" I grew annoyed"yeah what of it" frost gives a nervous look"he brought more men sir"i grin dont worry boy oh... follow my lead stop the car slowly in front of penguin " as we see the man none other then penguin. looking at frost he stopped the car slowly parking it...i opened the door to the back seat and got out i had my purple jacket.. cane and hiding of course my gun hostler i wore  a  purple dress shirt only a little to show my tattoos and wore my one purple glove i walked in front of frost car as i slicked my hair back.. my gold chains hanging from my neck and wearing my rings as i always did.. the penguin chuckled to me..."well.. glad you could make it i herid you almost got caught by a cop in front of the store i found it odd execpally hearing that.... your old doctor is your new play thing"i got annoyed"I'm hear for you to show me the shipment not for you to take a interest in my personal affairs and i wouldn't call her my play thing tread carefully of how you speak about her got it"frost seemed a tad surprised but said nothing as penguin even looked a bit shocked"fine... we got the guns you asked for"i noded to the boys as they graped the cases from penguin's men putting it in the truck... i threw him a watt of cash"nice doing business with you" "hhehe see you soon clown..."i got in the car with my men as frost drove off..frost looked at me"the gun place sir to pick up Harley's weapons? "i nodded and said"yeah that and chinses I gave frost his cut."You and the boys can odder  some food i'm feeling generous and since ...we got these guns it will help us.." as  we got Harley's weapons and the food...i said to frost"Alright lets get back"i herid one the men take something off a lap post and walk over to me"sir?"what"I growled ...he showed me the photo of Harley or what used to be her before she was mine"There looking for her boss  what should we do??" I sigh annoyed"right now we wait come on get in the damn car lets go."I wanted to get back... as  I got  home I saw her smile as I came up the stairs and ran  into my arms.."puddin i missed you"god it was good to hear that...I missed her so much..

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