chapter 1:Moving To Gotham

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Harleen pov:

Yes i was finally moving to Gotham city after all my hard work in college ! To finally  make a name for myself in a career i always dreamed of doing..what job you ask well as silly as it sounds as a shrink is what i wanted to do since i was very young. I intend on working in Gotham's  famous Arkharm  ashyulm for the insane,i don't know but something always pulled me there i wish i knew what through. Just the opportunities were  more then any girl could think of!Like writing a book on the most insane personalities only Gotham city had to offer! Through i knew Gotham  was a dangerous city, hell there were drugs on every street corner but being born in New York i knew i could handle this. It's my first day in my new apartment,new job new life, i didn't know anybody here  which was the only down side to all this. My family or rather my mother and sister, lived faraway so i was by myself, with no one to really relay on.I was nervous, what if i screwed up on my first day?!Or worse got fired!I look down at my hands shaking a bit, both  out of excitement and at the same time fear of what could happen if i was too careless. I herid the stories of Gotham but it was also why I was here too the stories drew me in, execpally Arkharm and it's criminals that were inside there minds , were too extreme and thats what excited me about this new job!Alright Harleen man up !!Your gonna be late on your first day at Arkharm! No you can't make a bad impression on your boss not on the first day! You worked too hard to get here no turning back now! I quickly got dressed as fast as i never knew was possible for me at least,  and locked my apartment door. I was on the third floor I was about a mile  or two from arkharm i wanted to be close to work, that and my car was a peice of utter shitt. But my sister thought i must of been crazy  in being so close to Arkharm!But its the only apartment i could afford right now i spent the rest on the car and paying college bills plus rent didn't have much of a chose in the matter. As i start my car and drove off into the city, man people weren't lying about this city being gloomy, and i thought parts of New York were bad seemed all of Gotham was so depressing. Going driving towards Arkharm damn it looked like something out of an old horror movie! Then again i herid Arkharm has been around  for  a long time all my teachers back in college would have us study it cause its the most famous place, same with its criminals. There seemed to be a lot of security more then when i worked as a temp for Black gate prison, hmm?? No surprise with all the stories i hear the doctors even have to be careful around the patients. As I pulled up and  parked my car,locked it behind me. I sighed getting even more nervous as i took a deep breath, and walked into the famous arkharm for the first  time.It was so plan and grey in this place walking in no calor it was like it was a different world.As I walked to the front desk the woman at the desk  she had brown hair  up in a bun,looked up at me  she was propally in her mid 40's or 50's  i couldn't really tell she had green eyes through her face  aged somewhat beautifully. Well if it weren't for the pissed off look she gave me. Or was that just her ,on how to greet people!Focus Harlene she's propally just having a hard day give a smile to her. I give a  kind smile to her kinda of demanding myself to it and reminding myself, i had to make a good impression even to her."Hello im Dr. Harlene Quinnzel im the new-" She cut me off before i could say a word in edge wise rude much?Someone's having a really bad day i say and taking out on the newbie figures. Well maybe she'll warm up to me."Ah yes sorry, my dear its always a long night, im sorry i was rude didn't get much sleep between my job and taking my little girl to school you see. Dr. Arkharm would like to meet you his so glad you joined us here in Arkharm."I smile a bit see she was only stressed out must be a single mother poor woman i give her props. As  she smiles back her eyes grown softer as she speaks  in a kind voice." I'll show you to his office, then i can show you to your new office brand new  we just got it painted now for your own safety you may decrate your office just no sharp objects some doctors like to have a personal sessions with the inmates here."With that she got up and i quickly followed her she was fast she propally knew every itch of this place with her eyes closed.No sharp objects that was obvious with how dangerous some of these people are and lucky for me i did my homework on every single one of them. We passed by alot of the cells wow half of them i knew off the bat Edward nigma, aka the riddler, Harvey dent two face, Johnathan crane once a doctor here in arkharm himself now called himself scarecrow, i saw a woman with red hair i knew from the headlines who she was poison ivy they were staring at me like i was fresh meat  except ivy who said kindly."morning Wendy is she new?"She rolls her eyes looking to ivy"Im Wendy ive been working here for a long time i guess you could say im lucky cause with the breakouts sometimes but dont worry dear i'll watch out for you and yes pamelia make sure these boys don't scare her."Ivy chuckles then looks at me"I sure hope your my  shrink i dont like men there rude  at times" I give a kind look trying to act personal"will have to wait and see   who they assin me too thank you for the warm welcome ivy " As we wave and reach his office," ivy mostly does't talk that much or want someone to be her shrink, she must like you" hmm a insane woman like me great i fit in already.I smiled at Wendy as she knocked At the door, of the office we herid a male voice on the other end of the door. "who is it?"Wendy replies calmly looking to me with a small smile." It's Wendy sir. doctor miss.quinzel is here for her first day."I was so nervous of what my boss would think of me I've always been very timid in nature.

I was nervous meeting the boss himself, as we walked in his office he offered me a seat ,i quickly sat down.He smiled a little amused he must of saw how nervous i was.Damn grow a pair Harlene!I kept telling myself as he began to speak i quickly paid attention to what he had to say."Welcome to Arkharm Doctor Quinzel. I'm impressed i read your file you have very good and highly quilfeted for this job, i bealive you will go quiet far. In fact we like you to be the doctor for  The Clown Prince Of Crime himself The Joker. You see batman brought him in last night and im afraid none of my doctors well ether feel up to the challenge, and the last five he killed." I grew scared some welcome wagon he was the most famous criminal in all of Gotham city were they the insane ones setting me up with him on my first day?!Nervous ,and excited all at the same time if only my father could see me now im in the big leagues! I was about to say no but then i thought what if i cured The Joker  i would be respected in my field and i could finally start my book! No way i was gonna pass this up so i had to man up!"sir,i be honored you can count on me!!" dr.arkharm smiles then says his voice turning very serious."Be warned his very dangerous I nod i totally agreed with all the stories i herid of him i had to do my homework even more now."Understood sir im ready to start! I've done a college phases on criminals like him and was in black gates sir." He chuckles shaking his head like he knew something i didn't"Your a brave woman , but there is no one like him i assure you,be careful he is quiet the talker.I think you'll do well here your dismissed for now. Wendy show her to her office your first session with the joker will be in a hour." Wendy nodded still by the doorway, meeting posion ivy and actually getting The Joker as a paciest what a day!

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