Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I wasn't exactly sure when I fully woke up. I could only remember the flickering black slate of nothing in front of my eyes, then suddenly finding myself staring up at the pristine, white ceiling. My whole body was alert of my surroundings, including the stiff, luxurious bed beneath me.

The bed wasn't actually stiff. It held much more comfort than the springy bed I owned. But this bed felt as if it had never enjoyed the company of a person, much like the rest of the clean, sterile-like room.

The room held a modern, sleek look. It was themed with white walls and white tiles that decorated the floor while the furnishings that seemed carefully placed against the walls were tar black. The furnishings weren't much, but included an antique wardrobe, two small nightstands that each held an equally small lamp, a large television that was settled against the wall, and the stiff bed. There were only mere "necessities" here, nothing personal.

That was around the time I noticed I was no longer covered in a pelt of white fur but in a coat of olive toned skin. I also realized I was only covered by the silk bedsheet and an oversized jacket. I inhaled the scent, smelling the mildly pleasant, musky scent that invaded my senses. I closed my eyes briefly, feeling content with the smell that reminded me of home.

I sighed, about to leave the bed to find something decent to wear when I spotted an emerald box lying on the floor beside the bed. I paused, my mind instinctively wondering if it was a trap of some sort. But they could've just left me collared and chained down in the cellar, surrounded by the desperate wails of broken wolves.

So I went against my instinct and picked the box up, laying it carefully on the bed. Everything from the shine of the box to the weight of it screamed "expensive." The green ribbon laced around it sparkled and dazzled, wanting all the attention in the room. I slipped a finger through the loop and yanked up, watching the ribbon unravel and flutter off the box.

I lifted the top which slipped off as easily as the ribbon had. Inside, there were dark, contrasting clouds of tissue paper folded neatly on top. Nestled in the middle of those puffy clouds was a small, white card. I bristled seeing Snowflake written elegantly in the front.

The memory flooded back, and I could clearly remember him calling me Snowflake right before I blacked out. If I got my jaws around his neck, he'd better count his blessings. I wasn't his to place a collar on and pick out a "pet" name for. He, the human, should be sitting at my feet while waiting expectantly, not the other way around. What kind of name was Snowflake anyways?

I picked up the card despite my growing urge to tear it into small pieces. I flipped the card over, my eyes glancing over the words.

For my beautiful, potential Protector. I imagine you will look as stunning in this as you do covered in fur.

- Kendall, your future Master

I let the card fall before pulling away the tissue paper and looking in the box with genuine curiosity. The paper held a sea of green silk. I gasped, running a hand lightly over it and watching ripples cascade up and down. We'd never had enough money for something as fancy as silk back home. I was always covered in something worn out and faded.

I pulled out the fabric, telling myself it wouldn't hurt to see what it was. The fabric unfolded into a long dress that I was sure would be appropriate for the type of sophisticated dances they probably held here.

There was an interrupting knock on my door and I scowled, folding the dress with care and gently putting it back in the box before sliding the top back on. I started debating whether I should go open the door, but the impatient sigh on the other side told me they weren't willing to wait on the stalled decision.

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