XVII - Mr And Mrs Pond

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  • Dedicated to Who ever is a real fan of my story :D


Mr And Mrs Pond

About a year has passed since that unfortunate night. I woke up the next day with the worst hang over of my life, wondering if what happened was real at all, but the jacket I threw to the floor when trying to jump the Doctor was still there where I had left it.

I felt like a complete idiot for bursting into tears and saying what I said. But I had to admit it felt good hearing what he said afterwards...

"Zera, you finished in there? You're taking forever!" Jess complained from the other side of the door and I finished putting the last touches to my makeup.

"You have the patience of a statue!" I said sarcastically and walked out the bathroom.

"Thank you," she sneered and walked in, closing the door behind her.

I simply rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse, ready to go to the invitation only party. Jess walked out the bathroom and though she was a bit irritated with me, we laughed it off.

Arrived at the party, there was a small crowd in front of the door of people trying to get in without an invitation, but the bouncer wouldn't budge. I made my way through the people when someone grabbed my arm tightly, pulling me.

"Zera! Zera Roberts!" the crazy woman with the flaming red hair said, pulling me into the crowd.

"Let go of me!" I snapped my arm away, scared and started hurrying into the building.

"Please, Zera! It's about the Doctor! The real one! The one you and I know." she yelled with a thick Scottish accent.

I froze in place and turned back facing her. I frowned at her. What did she know?

"Zera, come on!" Jess said, pulling me into the party and I lost sight of the girl.

I stayed inside for a moment, meeting more important people and drinking a glass of wine, but the thought of what the woman might know about the Doctor was troubling. I excused myself, saying I was going to the little lady's room and snuck outside.

Many people gave up trying to get in and left. I couldn't find the red head in the few people left until I looked across the street to see her and a young man sitting on a bench, looking disappointed.

I started to make my way to them and heard them speaking when I was in ear shot.

"What are we going to tell the Doctor? We said we would find her and bring her on time to Big Ben," the girl sighed.

"Why?" I asked and they both looked up at me, surprised of my presence. "Who are you and how do you know the Doctor?"

"Zera, I'm Amy Pond and this is my husband Rory. You need to come with us," she jumped up.

"Ok, you answered my first question, there's still why and how do you know the Doctor?" I stated.

"I've known him since I was just a little girl. I've travelled with him. He said he needs help with something. And as to what, I'm not even sure yet. Also, I have been trying to contact you for a while. Your paintings. The painting of the Doctor," she explained.

"I've known him since I was a little girl too," I smiled.

"Funny how he walks into your life and you become obsessed with seeing him again, huh?" Amy said and we laughed.

"So, you'll come with us?" Rory asked, a bit shyly.

"Yes. I'd do anything for that man," I stated without a hint of hesitation.

"Great! Another one who would die for him..." he mumbled.

"Oh, shut up," Amy sighed.

We left the bench and walked over to their car. It was bright red and sporty like. I couldn't say what model, but it was nice.

We entered that car, me in the back seat. As Rory turned the engine on, Amy turned around in her seat to look at me.

"So tell me, how long did you travel with the Doctor? Does he still visit you?" she asked.

"I travelled with for about 8 months, but he visited before and after that. Last time I saw him was a year ago."

"Why'd you stop travelling with him?" she asked.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable answering this question. I barely knew these people, I couldn't possibly tell them I was in love with him.

"I guess I was just ready to move on," I lied.

"Really?" she raised a brow at me with a slight smirk then proceeded to take something out of the glove department and throw it on my lap. A magazine from a year ago with me and the Doctor sharing a kiss on the cover. "Look, we've all been there," she assured me.

"Well, it's more complicated than that..." I said, tossing the magazine aside. "He's married-" I started.

"To my daughter," she cut me off suddenly looking a lot colder than before.

My eyes widened in surprise. She looked so much younger than River Song. I also felt very guilty. She was the Doctor's mother-in-law? And Rory his father-in-law? And I was the other woman who the Doctor was kissing behind their daughter's back. Or they probably thought I kissed him.

I moved in my seat, not knowing what to say. The rest of the car ride was uncomfortably silent.

We arrived in front of the clock tower and left the car. Amy took note out of her pocket on which I recognized the Doctor's handwriting.

"Find Zera - check. Bring her to Big Ben - check," she read out loud. "Now, Rory, you need to go to the left side. Zera, you stay here. I'll be on the other side," she ordered.

"Where's the Doctor? What are we dealing with and what should we do if we come across said creature?" I asked, completely confused. Normally the Doctor explained a little better.

"I don't know. I came home to find this note. Now, let's do what the Doctor says."

And the conversation ended there.

I mumbled under my breath as they placed themselves in position and I walked to the foot of the tower. I strolled around the place, keeping an eye out for anything odd and out of the ordinary. I guess if anyone was to walk by, I'd be the thing that's odd. A young woman in her twenties in a deep red cocktail dress, walking around Big Ben as 10:30PM.

After a while of waiting for something to happen, I got tired and sat down. I was starting to worry that whatever was coming was going to jump out at me. I was getting nervous and stressed.

I thought I saw something in the corner of my eye move, when I turned around quickly, there was nothing but a statue. I rolled my eyes feeling silly and sat back down. I then realized that that statue wasn't there before. I had never seen in before in my life when I used to come here. Something was off.

I stood up and turned to it again and backed away with shock that the statue of an angle was only a few steps away from me.

"Amy! Rory!" I called, but I was sure they didn't hear me.

I started singing my mum's song and shut my eyes tightly, terrified of what might happen next. Why did the Doctor call me here to my doom? Why didn't he give further instructions? Maybe he was just looking to get ride of me.

I suddenly felt myself fall to the ground. When I opened my eyes, I was still at the foot of Big Ben, but the angle was gone and a loud siren was ringing. Airplanes in the sky where dropping booms and I could feel the ground vibrate. This wasn't the London I knew, that was for sure. It was World War II.


The Doctor's Mistress (Doctor Who Fanfiction) - Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now