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Tonight's Thursday Night Smackdown, it's the quarterfinals for the tournament. The semifinals and finals are in a week at Survivor Series. Tonight I face Cesaro, Dean already had his match against Ziggler, and he's heading to the semifinals. I have to win my match to head up to semifinals. I'm in my locker room fixing my vest when I saw Nikki walked through the door. I walked up to her and kissed her "Hey Babygirl." She smiled "Hey Ro." She looked bothered by something, I placed my hand on her cheek "What's wrong?" She sighed and marched towards the couch, "It's Brie.. Ever since the tournament began, she's gotten so competitive.. Like if the tournament is between me and her." I shrugged and sat by her "Well she's with Ambrose.. She's just cheering on her boyfriend." She nodded "I guess.. But you're in the tournament and I'm not all competitive." I laughed "Because you already know I'm gonna win." She rolled her eyes and I smirked "You sound so cocky babe." I grabbed her chin and kissed her "I know." We laughed "So you have your quarterfinal match tonight?" I nodded "Yea.. Cesaro." "Ohh Swiss Superman." I looked at her, confused "Why'd you say it like that?" She shrugged "Like what? That's what everyone calls him." I rolled my eyes "Right." I got up from the couch and walked over to my suitcase, she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Are you jealous babe?" I scoffed "No.." She turned me around and giggled "No, you're totally jealous." I shook my head, she stepped on her tip-toes and pecked my lips "Don't worry babe.. You're the only superman for me." I smirked and grabbed her waist, pulling her close. "Believe that." We were about to kiss but the door slammed open, it was Brie and Dean. Nikki rolled her eyes "Do you guys ever knock?" Dean shrugged "Sorry.. The door was unlock." He went to go hug Nikki but she pushed him back "Dean I love you but you're all sweaty." I laughed. Brie shrugged and grabbed Dean's arm "That's Champion sweat." She grabbed Dean's face and smashed their lips together. Nikki looked at me "See?" I nodded. They stopped kissing and they sat on the couch, Nikki crossed her arms and sat next to Brie. I lifted up her chin "Hey don't be upset. I'll see you after my match." "Good luck babe." I pecked her lips and walked out of the locker room. I walked down to the gorilla and waited for the Stage manager to play my music. He played my music and I walked out, and walked down into the ring. Cesaro's music played and he walked down to the ring, he climbed into the ring and walked to his corner. The referee rung the bell and we locked up, Cesaro got the first hit in, by grabbing me in a head-lock, he slammed me into the mat. I tried to roll out of his grasp, he picked me up and whipped me into the corner. He ran and hit me with a running European uppercut. I held my jaw in pain, he grabbed my arm and whipped me into the ropes. I jumped up and hit him with a clothesline, he dropped to the mat. I picked him up and whipped him into the corner, I hit him with a series of clothesline. I was going to hit him with one more but he ducked and kicked me in the gut. He threw me over the rope, I held on to the top rope. He kicked me off, causing me to land hard on the outside. I got up feeling a little groggy, I saw Cesaro climbing onto the top rope. I hopped on the apron and hit him with a superman punch. He falls down from the top top, I get in the ring and set up for my spear. He gets up and I charge towards him, he knocks me down with an uppercut. He picks me up and tries to hit the neutralizer, I grab his legs and throw him over me. His back slams on the mat, I set up for my spear. He gets up, groggy. I charge him and slam him down with a spear.
1..2..3 The winner of this match.. ROMAN REIGNS!!
The ref raised my hand in victory. I rolled out of the ring, and walked backstage. I walked back to my locker room, I heard screaming and arguing. I opened the door and saw Nikki and Brie going at it again. I walked in and grabbed Nikki "What happened this time?" She huffed in anger "Brie says that you don't deserve to be champion." I looked over to Dean but then back at Nikki "Okay?" She looked over at Brie "You know what I'm done with you.. I'm so down with you right now." Brie scoffed "You know what? That's fine.. You're just mad cause I'm right.. He's not championship material." Nikki stepped to Brie, I grabbed her "Stop." I whispered in her ear. She nodded and looked back at Brie "Leave! Right now.. I don't want to talk to you anymore." Brie shrugged "Fine!" She grabbed Dean and they walked out. Nikki threw herself on the couch "You wouldn't even believe the things she was saying." "What did she say?" "She was saying how me and you were the weakest couple in the WWE. And how we don't deserve to be champions." I sat next to her. "Well we'll just prove her wrong." She nodded "I guess so."

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