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Tonight was Monday Night Raw. The night after Fastlane. And we still have no word about Nikki and where she is. I haven't slept in the last 24 hours, trying to find out where she could be. I know The Authority did it, not that they would admit to it. I was in Brie's locker room with Dean, just waiting for any news of Nikki."Should we just wait for when The Authority comes out and talks about Roman's attack on Rollins? It's next." I nodded and walked out of the locker room. I walked to the back stair case, Dean was right behind me. " Listen Roman I know how hard this is, but you have to stay focus." I looked at him "Dean I am focused, I'm focused on getting her back. I know these assholes did something to her." He nodded. We waited till The Authority came down to the ring, Rollins and Stephanie grabbed a microphone. "We're out here to address what happened last night at Fastlane after our tag match. Last night that dog Roman Reigns attacked me." Stephanie picked the mic to her mouth "Reigns, what you did was unacceptable. There was no need for all that violence, Rollins clearly did nothing wrong to be attacked in that way." My theme song came on and I walked down the stairs, furious. I grabbed a mic and went into the ring. "You know what all of you bastards did. So don't come out here and try to act all innocent, because all these people know you're not." "Sadly Roman we have no idea what you're talking about, we didn't do anything last night." I looked at her, confused. "So you expect me to believe that after me and Nikki beat your asses last night, you guys just hid in your office and locker room? Well I don't cause right after our match, me and Nikki were still in the ring. The lights were shut off and I was attacked. Lights came back on and Nikki was nowhere to be found." Rollins looked at me "And you immediately assumed it was us?" I shook my head "No I didn't assume, I know. I say that suck-up of yours Jaime Noble knock her out and load her into the car. Now I'm going to assume that since him nor Orton are here, they probably did it. But the main question is who do they work for?" I pointed my microphone to the crowd and they all yelled 'The Authority!' Stephanie rolled her eyes "We have nothing to do with Nikki and besides how do you know that she just didn't simply go off with Randy? I mean they have history. And also didn't you cheat on Nikki with Eva?" "I didn't cheat on Nikki, you paid Eva to come between me and Nikki" Triple H picked up the mic "Well I guess we are just being blamed for everything tonight." He laughed. "It won't be so funny when I knock your ass straight back to Connecticut." The crowd cheered. "Okay Roman, I see your in a fighting mood tonight. Which is good cause you have a match right now!" My jaw clenched up and I stood in Triple H's face. "I promise you if you don't return her to me, I will fucking kill you and all your lap dogs." He pushed me back and left the ring. I stood in the ring, waiting for my opponent. New Day's theme song came on. I was gonna face Kofi Kingston. They did their silly walk down the ramp, I grabbed the mic "Would you pink unicorns hurry it up, as you can see I'm not in the mood for games." Kofi ran to the ring and the ref rang the bell. He tried to clothesline me but I threw him to the ropes and hit him with a Samoan drop. I set him up for the Superman Punch and hit it. I pinned him
1..2.. The bell rang because Xavier woods and Big E got in the ring and pulled me off of Kofi who was knocked out. I got up a hit Woods with a Superman Punch and delivered a spear to Big E. I stood in the middle of the ring, looking down on them. The lights went out and the giant tron turned on. I stared at it, it was like in a concrete basement. The camera was pointed at the floor. "Roman! Help me!" It was a video of Nikki. I ran out of the ring and ran up the ramp. But I was stop by Kane. "Move out of the way!" He punched me in the face, I punched him back and we started fighting but then they started piling up on me. Rollins and Kane punched me over and over. I was on the floor, Rollins and Kane picked me up and threw me into the wall. Dean ran to Rollins and started punching him. Kane tried to hit Dean but I got up and punched him. Rollins and Kane ran away from each me and Dean. "Hey Roman, you alright?" I nodded "yea. I'm good." "Well now we know who has Nikki." I nodded and walked backstage with Dean.

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