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Tonight is Monday Night Raw, last Thursday I won but this time I left my mark, just so that she can remember I beat her last round. I was in Dean's locker room, tonight I have the night off so I'm just kinda hanging out. Me and Dean were watching the show, "Hey I'm gonna grab something from catering, wanna come?" Dean asked "Yea, let's go." We walked to catering, he grabbed a plate and filled it with food. I just took a water bottle, I looked to the gorilla and saw Nikki and Brie. Nikki was fixing her hat, she had on her dark blue attire and black sneakers. I walked to Dean "Hey they have matches tonight?" He nodded "Divas tag match." I nodded while we walked back to his locker room. We sat and watched the girls match. Nikki was begging for a tag, Brie finally tagged her in. She gave a running clothesline to Alicia and picked her up whipping her into the corner. She hit her with a running dropkick, Cameron tried getting into the ring but Brie grabbed her by the hair and threw her outside. Nikki hit Alicia with a Bella forearm, she smirked into the corner before setting up for a spear. She did my signature scream, while Alicia got up and turned around. Nikki slammed her down.
1..2..3 The winners of this match.. The Bella Twins!!
Nikki and Brie lifted each other's hands in victory, Nikki gave Brie a look. Both of them did their Bella booty shake, Dean's eyes were glued on Brie. My eyes were on Nikki, she stared right into the camera and blew a kiss. She knew I'd be watching, sneaky little vixen. She was trying to tease me without being in front of me. They left the ring, I waited for Nikki to walk through the door but only Brie walked in. "Where's Nikki?" She looked at me "Oh she said she was heading to the hotel, because she was exhausted." I nodded and walked out of the locker room. I walked into my car, smirking. Nikki thinks she can get away from me that easily, nope I'm gonna win this game. Once and for all.

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