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Tonight was Monday Night Raw and we were close to the main event. It was Me vs Randy tonight, but I wanted to start the action a little early, so me and Nikki were on our way down to the ring. "Okay Ro, what are you planning to do?" I grabbed Nikki's hand "I'm planning on making Seth and Stephanie agree to a match at WWE Fastlane." "Oh. Okay now I'm excited. Let's go!!" She ran to the gorilla, and got ready to go out. My theme song came on and we walked out to the ring, the crowd was alive and wild. Me and Nikki made our way to the ring, we both grabbed a mic. "How you feeling tonight Seattle!?" The crowd yelled louder than ever. "We're out here a little early, so that we can say some things about these attacks. The Authority say they are strong but still give sneak attacks. So I'm out here to issue a challenge, Me and Nikki Bella V.S Seth Rollins and Stephanie McMahon at Fastlane!" The crowd agreed by shouting 'Yes' chants, Rollins theme song came on. "Hold on there, Reigns!" Seth and Stephanie came out. "You're out here making matches Roman. When you haven't even won your match tonight." Stephanie said. Nikki picked up her mic "Hey steph, you scared we might beat you? Why won't you just shut the hell up and agree to the match at Fastlane!" Stephanie,Seth, and me stared at Nikki surprised by her words. "How dare you? How dare you talk to your boss that way?" Seth asked Nikki, Nikki rolled her eyes "Oh shut the hell up Rollins, I'm sick and tired of you. Honestly like do you ever just shut up?" The crowd started laughing, I was laughing too. "What so funny Reigns? You think she's funny?" I nodded "I think she looks hot as hell setting both of ya asses straight." Stephanie looked at us in fury "You want us at Fastlane? Huh is that what you want? Then you got it!" The crowd cheered "But it's not gonna be that easy cause guess what? You only get the match if you two beat your opponents in a mixed tag match tonight." Then Randy's theme came on and out came Randy and Eva. Me and Nikki got ready to compete, we set down our mics and got to our corners. Randy and Eva got to their corner, Eva was gonna start off the match against Nikki. Eva swung Nikki into the ropes and body slammed her to the outside. "Come on Nikki!". Nikki made it into the ring before the count of ten, she attacked Eva to the floor with punches and kicks. She picked Eva up and irish-whipped her into the corner and kicked her in the gut. She picked up Eva by the ankles and slammed her straight on the mat. "Hey babe!" She pointed and winked at me, I smiled at her. Eva got up woozy, Nikki grabbed her and DDT'd her, then pinned her
1..2.. But Eva kicked out at the count of two. Nikki went to go pick Eva up again but Eva kicked Nikki in the gut and hit a neck-breaker, giving Eva a chance to tag in Randy. He got in the ring and stared at Nikki, she got up and stepped in Randy's face and slapped him before walking out of the ring. I got in the ring and got ready to face Randy. Randy tried to hit me first but I blocked it and hit him with a hard right hand. I irish-whipped him into the corner and gave him clothesline after clothesline until he dropped to the floor. I pinned him, but he kicked out at 1. He used the ropes to get up on his feet, I ran to hit him with a clothesline but he pulled the rope down, slinging me outside. Eva jumped off the apron and approached me, she tried slapping me but I grabbed her hand. Nikki stepped in front of me, "What do you think you're doing Bitch?!" She hit Eva with a huge punch, landing Eva on the ground. Nikki walked back to our corner, while I tried getting back into the ring. Randy caught me by the neck and DDT'd me into the ring, he pinned me.
1..2.. I kicked out at 2. Randy picked me up and slung me into the ropes, he tried to body slam me but I reversed it with a Samoan drop. I pinned him but he kicked out, Randy ran to his corner and tagged in Eva. Nikki walked in, ready to fight. "Come on Baby girl, show me what you got!" Eva mocked Nikki, Nikki smiled and hit Eva with a clothesline. She picked Eva up and hit her with a hard knee to the face. Nikki pinned Eva
1..2.. Almost close to the three count, but Randy dragged Nikki out of the ring, onto the floor. Nikki got up furious "What the hell?! You asshole!" She got back in the ring, I hopped off the apron and made my way to Orton. I pulled him off the apron and starting punching him left and right, until I hit him with the Superman punch. Back in the ring, Eva tried to slap Nikki, but Nikki grabbed her hand and hit Eva with the Bella forearm. She picked up Eva and put her on her shoulder. Nikki slammed her down with the Rack Attack.
1..2..3 Your winners of this match Roman Reigns and Nikki Bella!!
I got in the ring and raised her hand in victory. She shook her head, and grabbed my face and kissed me. The crowd whistled and cheered. She looked at me with a smile, I grabbed a microphone. "Well that's one hell of a celebration! But it seems like we won our match." Stephanie came out with a angry look on her face "You've got your match at Fastlane against me and Rollins. But you're going to lose because I'm the strongest woman of this company, and Rollins is the man of this company!" Nikki held my mic to her mouth "Well Step if you're such a strong woman how about you come down here and prove it." She got down from the ring, and got ready to fight. Stephanie walked down and their brawl started. Nikki punched and kicked Stephanie, she picked Stephanie up and threw her into the barricade. Seth came running down the ramp and pulled Nikki off of Stephanie, I pushed him away from Nikki and started punching him too. Nikki dragged Stephanie into the ring and hit her with a Bella forearm. I dragged Seth into the ring, me and Nikki went to opposite corners of the ring and waited for Stephanie and Seth to get up. Me and Nikki hit both of them with a spine busting spear. Leaving them crouching in pain. Me and Nikki raised our hands in celebration.

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