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Tonight was the final Smack down before Extreme Rules, Roman went one-on -one with Randy Orton.  I know I shouldn't worry but I am.  Me and brie were at our locker room,  sitting in the couch. "Nikki why are you worried?  You know Roman is a great wrestler and he can beat Randy." I nodded "I know Brie, it's that I don't want him to get hurt, you know? " She rubbed my shoulder "I honestly get it, I feel that way everytime Dean gets in the ring but you have to hope, he doesn't get hurt cause that's part of the job. Don't you think that Roman worries whether or not you get hurt? "

I turned my head,  wide-eyed "I know he worries, he asks me everytime if I'm okay after my matches. " "See you guys sorry about each other,  but all you can do is hope neither of you gets hurt. " We stood there talking for a while longer when I hear a knock on our door,  I get up and answer it.  "Hello? " "Hey babygirl" It was Roman and Dean.  "Hey Ro. " I reach up and kiss his cheek,  Dean shuts his eyes.  "Where's Brie? " Brie shouts from inside the room. "In here, babe!" Dean walks in and I follow but Roman pulls me back and shuts the door. 

I get worried real fast. "Roman what's wrong? " He looks at me "Nothing Baby girl,  I just wanted to see if you wanted to be at ringside for my match tonight? " My cheeks warmed up from his question,  "Of course Ro, who are you up against? " "Easy beat, Fandango. " I nodded and I guess he could see that I was worried,  he pick my chin up.  "Babygirl, stop worrying about Sunday's match at Extreme Rules, it's going to be fine. We are going to be fine. " "Roman I'm scared you'll get hurt and I don't want that, I'm worried because you can seriously get hurt." Roman picked me up as if I was weightless, and set me on his lap on the floor. "Baby girl I'm worried too, but not cause I can get hurt, its because I might lose and I won't be able to show that son of a bitch how to treat beautiful women like you. " I blushed and snuggled closer to his chest.

"I won't worry about it tonight but I'll be worried Sunday. " He hugged me tighter,  "Come on my match is next. " He pecked my lips and picked me up on piggyback to the back stairs. Fandango went out first,  of course with Summer Rae by his side.  Next was me and Roman, and I have to say no wonder he likes walking down to crowds.  The feeling is beyond any other,  you can see everything and there are fans touching and tugging,  it's surreal.  Roman helped me jump over the barricade and he got in the ring, while I stood by the announce table. The bell rung , and the match started.

Fandango tried hitting over and over again but each time Roman blocked, until finally he hit the superman punch. He pinned Fandango but Summer climbed onto the apron,  she had the referee distracted.  But I pulled her foot and she fell off,  she got up and started yelling in my face but I decided to do the unbelievable.  I looked at Roman, he put his full attention me,  as I walked a few feet back from Summer and ran towards her and hit her with Roman's spear.  His face was in shock, I got up leaving Summer holding her stomach,  and blew Roman a kiss.  Fandango got up and swung Roman to face him but Roman whip him to the ropes and speared him.

1.. 2.. 3 Your winner of this match ROMAN REIGNS!!! 

I climbed the steel steps and jumped onto Roman. "Good Job,  Babe. " I kissed him and wrapped my hands around his neck, while he wrapped his strong arms around my waist.  The kiss lasted about another second before we pulled away, and Roman winked at me "Nice Spear, baby girl" I blushed and raised his hand in victory,  before walking backstage to meet up with Dean and Brie.

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