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Tonight was Thursday Night Smackdown, tonight I have a match with Zack Ryder.  I was walking to Nikki's locker room with Dean. I was talking to him about Monday, Eva went out to the ring after Nikki's match and now that's all Nikki thinks about. "Wait so Nikki's distracted by Eva?" I looked at him with confusion. "No.. That would be really weird.. She just wants to know the reason why Eva went out there. And I honestly don't know what to tell her." Dean nodded "Maybe she wants a title match against Nikki. Or maybe she wants to take Nikki's man." I laughed "Yea right." "Oh come on, we all know Redhead wants you, maybe that's why Nikki is kinda distracted by Eva." I shrugged "You know what you might be right, but I don't know man." He shrugged before walking into the room. Nikki and Brie were on the couch eating. "Hey girls, cheating from the daily diet?" Dean asked before plotting himself on the couch. Nikki laughed "Yep, we have the night off tonight. And plus I'm the only having a cheat day." Brie looked at Nikki "Hey I'm having a cheat day!" Nikki rolled her eyes "Brie fruits aren't cheat foods, now chocolate is a cheat food." She got up and kissed me. "Hey Ro, any matches tonight?" I nodded "Zack Ryder in a few minutes. "Oh he's an easy beat. You ok, you seem a little distracted?" I shook my head "No, just kind of tired." She nodded "Oh ok." She sat back down on the couch. She was right I was distracted. I was distracted because of Eva, trust me it isn't what it seems like. But Dean got me thinking a little what if it's true, what if Eva really does like me? "ROMAN!" I heard my named being called, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Uh yea?" Dean looked at me in confusion "Your match is next dude." I nodded and opened the door to leave, Dean followed me. "Hey you okay? Ever since the Eva talk you've been kind of out of it." I nodded "Yea but I'm just um tired." He shrugged and walked back into the room with the girls. I walked to the back staircase, Ryder went out first. I waited for theme song to hit, when I saw Eva approach me. "What do you want?" She walked closer and touched my shoulder "Is that any way to talk to a lady?" I rolled my eyes and shrugged her hand off my shoulder. "If you don't mind I have a match." "Oh you're right." She got close to my ear "Good luck Superman." Then she walked away. My theme music hit and I started to walk down the stairs, I jumped over the barricade and walked into the ring.. The ref rung the bell, Zack didn't stand a chance against me, I finally finished him off with a spear.
1..2..3 The winner of this match... ROMAN REIGNS!!
I lifted my hands in victory, when I heard Eva Marie's theme music, she walked down the ramp and got in the ring. She grabbed a mic "Hey Ro, did you miss me?" I stared at her. "Have
You told Nikki that you dropped for a better woman like me?" I stood there smiling, I walked over to her. "Maybe one day, doll." I got out of the ring and walked backstage. I walked to Nikki's locker room, I opened the door only to see Brie talking to Nikki. Dean saw me "Oh no guy.. You might wanna stay out of her before she sees you." "ROMAN!" I heard Nikki yell. Dean shook his head "Too late." I walked in "Babygirl, what's wrong?" Nikki stared at me with eyes burning with anger. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT OUT THERE?? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??! DO YOU AND EVA HAVE SOMETHING I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?!" I looked at her in shock "What? No." She shook her head "THEN WHY WOULD SHE ASKED IF YOU DROPPED ME FOR HER?"
"I don't know, but I don't have anything with her." "YEA BUT YOU WANT TO BECAUSE BEFORE YOU WALKED OUT OF THE RING, YOU GOT REALLY CLOSE AND WHISPERED 'MAYBE ONE DAY, DOLL'.. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!? YOU KNOW WHAT JUST EVERYBODY LEAVE!!" I stared at her "Are you serious right now?" She nodded "YEA!! EVERYONE OUT!!!" Dean and Brie left. "Could you be anymore childish?" She stared at me wide eyed. "Yea, you wanna know why? Cause you know how I feel about that girl and for you to say that you maybe, one day might be together is too much for my self esteem. Once again Eva has crushed my confidence, but the thing that hurts the most is that this time she isn't doing it with my ex boyfriend, now she's doing it with my boyfriend." I went to touch her, she put her hand up. "Stop! Not today, Roman.. Like haven't you done enough today?" "What are you talking about? I haven't done anything to you."  She shook her head "And that's the problem, you think that you haven't done anything but you have. Or maybe I'm just acting jealous but I really need to be alone so can you leave." I lifted her face, she had tears in her eyes. I kissed her. She walked over to the door "Just go, I'll see later."

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