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Tonight is Monday Night Raw, And tonight I'm super pumped for action. Roman had a match tonight against Kane. Me and Brie were at my locker room, watching the beginning matches of Raw. "Hey Nikki you should do commentary for Roman's match." I shrugged "I don't know, what if Roman doesn't want me there?" The door opened, Dean and Roman popped out. "Hey guys!" They threw themselves on the couch. "Ro, ready for you match tonight?" Brie asked, "Oh yea." She looked at me and smiled, I whispered "Don't Brie" "Hey Roman, Nikki said she wanted to be there for commentary" I looked at her in anger. "Did you really Babygirl?" "Well Brie gave me the idea but i didn't think you'd want me out there." "No. Come out with me and go on commentary." I nodded "Ok." Brie and Dean left for Dean's match, Roman sat closer to me. We watched Dean's match against Fandango, Brie was in Dean's corner and Summer Rae in Fandango's corner. Dean planted Fandango with Dirty Deeds, he went for the pin but Summer got in the ring. Brie got in Summer's face, Summer slapped Brie. Brie attacked Summer with slaps and punches. Summer and Fandango ran out of the ring. "Dean and Brie are amazing." I said while still looking at the tv. "They're amazing but we're better." I looked at Roman and laughed. "Alright I'll be back. I got to change for your match." I grabbed my ring attire and went to the bathroom, I put on my pink attire with my sneakers. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Brie and Dean back from the match. "Hey good job out there guys!" Dean looked at me "thanks, your sister's still fired up." I looked at Brie "what wrong?" "I want Summer Rae!" I looked at her confused "umm okay, come on Ro." We walked to the back staircase, I was ready to walk out with Roman but he stopped me "Hey why don't you go down the ramp?" I looked at him weird "Oh okay." I walked down to the gorilla and waited for my entrance music to play. I walked on the stage and did my Bella shake and walked down to the commentary table. "Welcome Nikki Bella!" Michael Cole said, "Thanks for having me guys." Roman's theme song came on and he walked down the stairs. "So Nikki it's been known that you and Reigns are a thing, do you think that anything can jeopardize your relationship?" I looked at Cole "You know at this point I'm going to have to say that I don't think anything will jeopardize my relationship with Roman, I think we are in a good place." Kane walked into the ring and the ref ring the bell. "Ok, as of late you and Roman have been The Authority's target, why do you think that is?" "Honestly I have no idea, my first thought was maybe it was the breakup between me and Randy but I guess to them it's more personal." Roman was beating Kane, Kane threw Roman into the corner. "Nikki do you have in mind to go for the Divas Title anytime soon?" "I've given it some thought and yea I think I would love to be Divas champ, but I'm waiting for the right moment." Kane tried to grab Roman with a choke slam but Roman reversed it into a superman punch. "Do you think Reigns will ever go to the heavyweight title hunt?" "Absolutely, beside the fact of my relationship with Roman, he is a talented guy. He has champion blood coursing through his veins." Roman set up for the spear, and he hit it on Kane.
1..2..3 Your winner of this match.. Roman Reigns!!!
I took my headphones off and hop in the ring to congratulate Roman. I rose his hand on victory, then we both walked backstage. We went to my locker room, Brie and Dean were in there. "Hey Babygirl, I gotta go but I'll be back, ok?" I looked at him worried, "Alright, Are you okay?" "I'm fine I'll see you later." He lowered his head and I kissed him. He walked out of the door, Brie looked at me confused "what was that about?" I shrugged "I have no idea, he said he was gonna be back."

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