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Tonight was Thursday Night Smackdown. I've been sad ever since Roman broke up with for a Heavyweight Title shot, but I'm not gonna let that keep me down. I'm now single, focus Nikki Bella. I no longer have time for men, I only have time for my career. Next Week on Raw, I have my title match against Paige. Brie has been following around ever since the breakup, I've been trying to convince her that I'm fine but she won't listen. I was at my locker room, trying to get ready for my match. "Brianna would you please go somewhere? I'm fine." "Nicole I know you are but I just don't want you to be alone." I sighed "I'll be fine, I'm 31 years old. Go see Ambrose or something." She nodded, "alright I will, text me if anything." I nodded and waited for her to leave the room. "Ugh finally some alone time." I finished up my makeup and threw on my hat. I left my locker room and walked down to the gorilla. My theme music played and walked on stage and did my Bella Booty Shake. I made my walk to the ring and waited for Summer Rae. Summer Rae came out and did her little ballroom dance to the ring. She got in the ring and the ref rung the bell. As soon as the bell rang, I grabbed Summer Rae and threw her to the corner. I kicked over and over again, I grabbed her by the hair and threw her across the ring. She got up and tried to hit me with a roundhouse kick but I grabbed her leg and dragged her to the ground. I set up my Bella forearm and waited for Summer to get up, I hit her hard. I picked Summer up on my shoulder, I yelled "Fearless" and slammed her down with the Rack Attack.
1..2..3 The winner of this match... Nikki Bella!!!!!!
I raised my hand in victory, but I heard Rollins theme song come on. I rolled my eyes and watched him walk on the stage, mic in hand. "Nice win Nikki! But I'm out here because I heard the sad news... Guys can you believe that Reigns broke up with the lovely Nikki Bella for a title shot? I mean how selfish can a man get?" He walked into the ring, and stepped in front of me "I, on the other hand would never let a pretty thing like you go." I gave him a smile but then stretched my hand back, and slapped him hard in the face. I walked out of the ring with a smile on my face. When I reached backstage, Renee Young approached me. "Hey Nikki can I ask a few questions?" "Of course, Renee." "Okay, how have you been holding up since the breakup with Roman?" I nodded "Um actually I've been kinda sad, I mean Roman was a guy that I thought love me. But I guess I was wrong, he dumped me for a title shot. But what is left for Nikki Bella? Well Nikki Bella is going to become your new WWE Divas Champion, this coming Monday." "Thanks Nikki." I nodded and walked off to the catering area, I grabbed a bottle of water. "Hey great match out there Babygirl." Roman said while approaching me. "Ugh! Thanks Reigns.. And it's Nikki... Not Babygirl." He looked at me "Babygirl you can't treat me like that." I scoffed "Oh yea, tell me why I shouldn't treat you like a complete stranger, reigns? And it's Nikki not Babygirl." I walked away from Roman, trying to swallow my tears.

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