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Tonight is Monday Night Raw, Wrestlemania is this Sunday. Nikki signed her contract on Smackdown to confirm her match against Stephanie for the Divas Title. On Smackdown Triple H distracted Nikki and Stephanie took advantage and pedigree
her in the middle of the ring. Also last Monday Triple H and the Authority attacked me after my match against Randy Orton. I was walking to Nikki's locker room when I saw Dean. "Hey Dean you alright? How are you and Brie?" He shrugged "I don't know. I call, I text but nothing." I nodded "Yea I've been there before." He nodded "Yea no doubt." I laughed "So any advice for me?" He looked at me "If you really want her back don't give up." He nodded "Thanks Roman." He patted my shoulder and walked off. I continued walking to Nikki's locker room and knocked on the door. "Come in." I walked in and I saw Nikki in her ring attire, with the title on her shoulder "Hey Babygirl." She walked up to me and kissed me "Hey babe. You alright?" I nodded "yea I just passed by Dean." "How is he?" "He's alright, trying to win your sister back. What about Brie?" She looked at me, sad "She misses him but she doesn't want to hear from him. Do you think they will ever get back together again?" I shrugged "Yea I think they will." She nodded "Yea I guess you're right." I sat on the couch "You ready for this Sunday?" " Yea, I can't wait." We watched the tv, and saw Rollins fighting Dean. Dean was beating Seth but then J & J security got in the ring and started attacking him. I jumped up from the couch and headed for the door. "Ro where are you going?!" Nikki yelled from behind. "I'll be back Babygirl!!" I ran down to the ring and started punching Jaime Noble then Seth Rollins grabbed me and swung me into the ropes, I ran and hit him with a superman punch. Dean ran back in the ring and we both started beating them up. Rollins and J & J security scurried out of the ring. Me and Dean stood in the ring, but the we heard Triple H's theme song come on. I grabbed a mic "Uh-uh cut his music right now.. Hurry the hell up and get your ass in this ring!" I clenched my jaw in anger. Triple H walked in the ring with a microphone in hand. "Woah Reigns, you want to tell me who the hell you  think you're talking too? Are you forgetting that I am your boss?" I stepped up a little closer "And are you forgetting that you attacked me last Monday, you no good punk bitch?" The crowd cheered, Triple H stared at me in anger. "Be careful with your words, Reigns." I shook my head "No you might wanna watch what you say and do, cause it would be a shame if my 'boss' doesn't make it to Wrestlemania." He nodded "Don't worry I'm gonna make it to Wrestlemania." "Great, then that means I don't have to worry about you missing our match." He looked at me confused "What match?" I stepped in his face "The match were I'm gonna beat your ass." I hit him with the microphone and started punching him. Seth Rollins and J & J security ran back into the ring and tried pulling me off of Triple H but I started punching me Rollins. Dean attacked J & J security, and threw them out the ring. Then Seth went after Dean but Dean punched him first. Me and Triple H are punching each other, he swings me into the corner and tries to punch me but I block it and punched him instead. Triple H knees me in the stomach and tries to pedigree me but I throw him over the top. When he gets up I hit him my spear. Rollins grabs Triple H and walk up the ramp, "See you Sunday!" I yell while still standing in the ring.

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