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I was really mad that Rollins attacked me with his clown squad, but I was feeling a whole lot better because I knew Nikki had something planned. She told me that she was going out to the ring during Rollins' match but she didn't tell me what she was gonna do, but she told me to stay close. So I was just by the gorilla, waiting with Nikki for whatever her craziness had planned. "Okay Ro, I'm going out there now." "Okay baby girl be careful." She nodded and walked out to the ramp, I watched her from the gorilla monitor screen. She walked down the ramp and just stared at Rollins until he noticed her standing there. He smirked at her, while she smiled. Seth picked up his opponent and hit him the pedigree, earning him the win. He grabbed a mic "I see you've finally come to your senses Nikki." Nikki walked into the ring, giving Seth a confused look. "You now know that Reigns just isn't the man for you. That you need a man like me. Strong, handsome, and talented. I mean that's why you're out here right?" Nikki gave him a seductive nod, and walked closer to him. Seth closed his eyes, expecting a kiss but instead slapped him hard in the face. She snatched the mic from Rollins "It'll be the day I ever kiss you. You egotistical pig!" She slapped him again "I'm out here because you hurt Roman, you and your suck-ups. I've had it with you and Stephanie!" She tried to slap him again but Rollins grabbed her hand, before it landed. I decided that was my time to come out, I ran down the ramp and into the ring. Seth let go of Nikki and stepped up to my face, I gave him a right hand, putting him on the ground. He got up and went to the corner, I hit him in his mid-section. Nikki was outside the ring, Stephanie tried to run up and sneak attack Nikki "Baby girl move out the way!" Nikki moved out of Stephanie's way and Stephanie crashed into the steel steps. Nikki picked Stephanie up and threw her into the barricade. I stood there and watched but Rollins hit me in the back of the head. I fell to the mat, he punched me repeatedly. He got off of me but Nikki was inside the ring. She jumped on him, landing them both in the ground. Nikki slapped Seth repeatedly, Rollins turned Nikki over, putting Rollins on top of Nikki. He had her hands held down, she kneed him in the private. Seth groaned in pain and got off of Nikki. Stephanie crawled to Rollins to check if he was alright. Nikki grabbed Stephanie by the hair and dragged her to the announce table, and smashed her face down. She just kept slamming her face in. I pulled her off of Stephanie "Stop Babygirl, you're gonna break her face!" She nodded "You're right" she grabbed Stephanie and pushed her into the ring, she picked her up and adjusted her on her shoulders, slammed her down with a hard Rack Attack. Seth got into the ring and yelled in Nikki's face. Nikki backed up a bit giving me enough space to land a spear without getting hurt. Rollins cringed in pain. I celebrated in the ring but Nikki swung me around to face her and smashed her lips against mine. It was a wild kiss, the crowd whistled and cheered. She picked up a mic "Now there's a man I want to kiss." I smirked at her, I pulled Nikki in and this time I smashed my lips on hers. "Right back at you babe." We walked out of the ring and went backstage.

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