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Tonight was Fastlane, We are in Los Angeles, California. Tonight was our mixed tag team match against Stephanie and Seth Rollins. I had a couples minutes till I had to get ready for the match, I was in my locker room just thinking or over- thinking I should say. All that's been going through my mind lately is Roman kissing Eva, I know that I forgave him for it but the vision of them kissing just keeps me up at night. I haven't told Roman yet because I didn't want him to think I don't trust him, but then again I'm afraid that I don't trust him entirely just yet. I mean what if I start letting him back in, and he just does it again. I'm so conflicted right now. A knock came on my door, "Come in". It was Brie, "Hey Nikki! Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere." I shrugged. Brie looked, worried and sat next to me "What's wrong Nicole?" "I'm just overthinking, and don't call me by my real name." "Overthinking about what?" I looked at her "About the Roman and Eva situation." "Nikki I thought you guys put that behind you guys." I nodded "We did but I just can't get the image or thought of Roman kissing Eva, it keeps me awake at night. The thought of him ripping my heart into shreds is unbearable. It's like a part of me knows that Roman wouldn't hurt me, but then the other part of me is worried that he might just end up like another Randy, cheating on me and hurting me. I just can't seem to stop thinking about it. But all I know is that I love him." Brie looked at me with sad eyes. "Nikki don't think like that. Roman is not going to end up like Randy, Roman isn't going to treat you like trash or cheat on you with other women. You know and I know that Roman loves you more than anything in the world. And he knows that you're still stuck, frozen on the image. And he will stop at nothing to win you back. But you can't push him away or overthink the subject, because it will tear his heart to shreds." I knew Brie was right. I hate it when she's right. "You know what? You're right Brie, I shouldn't doubt Roman. He loves me and that's all I need to worry about. He won't ever hurt me and I won't ever hurt him. Thanks for helping me, with my overthinking." We hugged. Someone knocked on the door, "Come in" It was Roman and Dean. "Oh hey babe" Brie said to Dean, awkwardly. Dean and Roman looked at each other in confusion. "What were you guys doing?" "Um talking?" Roman looked at me "About?" I got up from the couch and dragged him outside. "Me and Brie were talking about some problems I was having." He stared at me "what problems are you having baby girl?" I really didn't want to tell him, but I sucked in some air and let it out. "Okay, we were talking about me, because lately I've been overthinking and seeing the image of you and Eva kissing over and over again, that its got to the point where I can't even close my eyes without seeing that kiss. So I was just feeling conflicted about why I was overthinking it so much, because I know I still love and trust you. It was just bringing back bad memories." He looked at me with concern. "By bad memories you mean Orton, right?" I nodded "Baby girl, I know that Randy treated you badly and cheated on you. But I will never do that to you." "Yea I know. I just wanted to get it off my chest." He grabbed my face "Baby girl you know I'm here whenever you have a problem, especially if it involves us." I nodded and looked up at him. He pulled me into a kiss. I smiled at him, "You ready for tonight?" "Believe that, I should be the one asking since somebody isn't in their ring attire." He widened his eyes. "Haha very funny, come on let's go inside, so i can change for our match." He looked at the time on his phone "Which is in 5 minutes!" I ran through my locker room door, scaring Brie and Dean half to death. "Hey Dean mind if I borrow my sister for a bit?" He shook his head, still startled. "Thanks!" I dragged Brie into the bathroom and had her help me out my ring attire on, which was new. All covered in diamonds. I laced up my retros and let my hair flow, since it was already curled. We walked out of  the bathroom "Okay I'm ready!" Brie looked at me "Nice new attire." "Jealous?" She nodded "in your dreams!" She hopped over to Dean's lap. "Baby girl lets go, we're next!" "I'm coming!" I jogged outside to catch up with Roman. "You take so.." I looked at him "What?" "Nothing it's just your ring attire." "Oh yea I had it made for tonight, you like it?" "I do" I blushed and kept walking. Me and Roman got ready to make our entrance by the back staircase. "Ready?" I winked at him "Believe that". His theme song hit and we walked through the crowd of fans. I high-fived anyone who had a hand out. We finally reached the barricade and climbed over. He climbed up the steel steps into the ring, while I got on the apron and flipped into the ring. We stared at each other and waited for Stephanie and Rollins. The Authority's theme song came on, Rollins walked out with Stephanie. They walked down the ramp with smiles on their faces. They climbed into the ring and we gave each other death glares. We went to our corners, Roman and Seth were gonna start off the match. The referee called for the bell, Roman and Seth squared up. Seth kneed Roman in the stomach and DDT'd him. Roman got up and gave Rollins a hard left hand, and swung him into the corner. Roman tried hitting Seth with a clothesline but he moved out of the way. Roman slammed into the turnbuckle, hitting his face. Rollins hit Roman with a running kick. Roman landed on the ground, I tried cheering him on "Come on Ro!" Roman got up, Rollins swung Ro into the ropes. He was going to hit Roman with a kick but Roman grabbed his leg and dragged Seth to the ground. He picked Seth up and punched him over and over. The referee pushed Roman off threatening to disqualify him. Roman walked around trying to cool down, he walked to our corner. "Hey relax, you're gonna get disqualified." He nodded and went to reach for Rollins, but Seth grabbed Roman's foot and dragged him to the mat. Roman landed badly on his back but he shook it off. Rollins eyed me from the middle of the ring and tagged in Stephanie. I stepped through the ropes. "Hey Nikki." I eyed Stephanie while she just smiled. She tried slapping me but I blocked it and gave her a slap of my own. She fell to one knee, I dropped kicked her. She got up and dropped me with a running clothesline. She picked me up and swung me into the corner, she set me up for a tornado DDT. She pinned me
1.. I kicked out at the count of 1. She tried picking me up but I kicked her in the face, then started to punch her. She managed to crawl to Rollins and tagged him back in. He smiled and me, I slapped him before tagging Roman back in. Roman and Seth punched each other left and right. Roman got the upper hand and hit Rollins with a Samoan drop. Roman pinned him
1..2 we were so close to winning the match but Stephanie stepped in and forced the referee's count. "What you doing?! get out!!" Roman yelled at Stephanie. Stephanie tried slapping Roman but he grabbed her hand. I stepped in the ring and speared Stephanie. We landed outside the ring, I started punching her over and over again. Rollins tried rolling up Roman to steal the win but Roman kicked out. He clotheslined Rollins to the ground and set him up for the Superman punch. Seth got up and exited the ring. I hopped off Stephanie and stepped in Seth's face. "Going somewhere Rollins?" He looked at me and got back into the ring. He stared at me while climbing into the ring. I smiled because I was distracting him, from what was to come. Roman had him set up for the spear but Stephanie stepped in his way. I ran into the ring and waited for Stephanie to turn around, when she did I hit her with a Bella forearm, knocking her out. Seth yelled in my face "What is your problem?!" I smirked at him, he went to face Roman, only to get speared. I picked Stephanie up on my shoulders and slammed her with a forceful Rack Attack. Roman pinned Rollins
1..2..3 Your winners of this match.. Roman Reigns and Nikki Bella!!
Me and Roman hugged and celebrated our win. But right when we were celebrating, the lights shut off. I felt a sack being pulled over my head, I tried moving but the person knocked me out cold.

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