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Tonight was Monday Night Raw, this past Thursday Nikki got attacked but I walked down to the ring and stopped it. I was no longer WWE Heavyweight Champion, I gave it up for my relationship with Nikki. She feels that she forced me to give it up, but she didn't. I decided to lose my title because I don't need the Authority's help to win a title, also I didn't want to lose Nikki over my own selfishness. I was in my locker room, when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Nikki walked in wearing her ring attire. "Hey Babygirl." She walked over and kissed me "Hey Ro, what are you doing?" I shrugged "Hanging out." "Hanging out." She mocked me in a man voice while shrugging her shoulders. I laughed "I don't sound like that." She wrapped her arms around my neck "you really do." I decided to mock her this time. "You really do." I said in a high pitched voice. She pushed me playfully, "I do not sound like that!" We laughed, the door burst open, in come Brie and Dean. "Hey guys!" Dean threw himself on the couch. "You know you can always  knock. You don't know what we were doing in here." I told Dean. Brie hit Dean on the head "see I told you, they were doing something." Nikki whipped her head "Ew Brie!! We weren't doing anything, you little horn dog!" Everybody stared at Nikki, then started laughing. "What's so funny?" Dean tried to sit up on the couch "What the hell is a horn dog!?" "I don't know!" We all laughed, even Nikki. We all sat on the couch and watched Raw. We saw Stephanie walking down the ramp, into the ring. She grabbed a mic "Now, I'm gonna make this short. I'm out here because I'm just confused about something. Roman Reigns was handed a title opportunity, he held the title for less than a week. Do you know what he gave it all up for? Roman gave up his career for Nikki Bella!! Now if that's not pathetic, I don't know what is." I was furious, I got up from the couch and made my way to the door. "Roman.. Wait!" I heard Nikki but I didn't listen. I ran to the back staircase and ran down the crowd. I grab the mic and run into the ring, Stephanie looked at me with a smirk. "Oh here he comes, Roman Reigns Everybody!!!" I rolled my eyes "What's all this crap you're talking about? I gave up the title because I didn't want to be another suck-up to the authority.. I didn't want the title to be handed to me, I want to earn the title the right way. Fighting harder everyday. And you wanna talk about pathetic? Have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately?" "You listen to me Roman, I'm nowhere near pathetic! I laughed "Yeah right, this coming from the woman who has to depend on her husband and her daddy to win her 5 minutes of fame." She looked at me shocked "HOW DARE YOU?!" She threw her hand back and slapped me hard on the face, I looked back at her with a smirk. She slapped me over and over again, until Nikki's theme song played. She ran into the ring, Stephanie turned around and Nikki hit her with a powerful forearm. Stephanie landed on the mat with a big thud. Nikki grabbed the mic from the floor "Oh no.. Steph are you ok? You little pathetic piece of crap!" She looked at me and blew me a kiss before walking out of the ring. I smiled at her before walking up the ramp. I saw her grabbing a water bottle from the catering area. "Good job out there Babygirl." I leaned down to kiss her cheek but she moved her face. "Oh no you don't!" She crossed her arms "What?" " Don't 'What' me! You should've told me you coming out here. But no.. I had to chase you." I nodded "You're right." She nodded "Yea I know.. I'm always right. Now gimme kiss." We kissed and walked to my locker room

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