Chapter 47: Graduation

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Graduation day was upon us, and waking up at five am was not enjoyable. But I have to look good because it's the last time I'll probably see ninety percent of these people. Once they graduate, everyone leaves this town and goes to a big city.

You guys must be confused as to what happened, so let me rewind a little.

I survived the gunshots, so waking up was a relaxing experience. Total sarcasm, every part of my body ached and on top of that, it hurt to do the simplest things. But I woke up to see Sophie sleeping next to me, holding my hand. Now I woke up disoriented, and all I heard was beeping from machines and a breathing machine which was connected to me.

"Evie?" Sophie asks, just waking up, "Don't move I'll get a nurse."

After removing the tube shoved down my throat, I felt much better talking. But there wasn't much talking, Sophie hugged me tightly and wouldn't let go. After she was done she explained everything to me such as my lung collapsing and my artery being severed. Then she told me about how I'd been out for three days and that everyone was here waiting for me to wake up.

She left to fill out some forms. And as usual, Alec stayed with me. He looked a mess. His eyes were bloodshot, the bags under them were way too purple, but he still managed to smile at me, "Alec."

He smiled, "Welcome back."

And with that said, he left. Nothing about the dance. Nothing about what happened with Kiera. Nothing. Almost as though anything we had was gone. If we had anything to begin with. Maybe I'd thought way too much into it. And perhaps he doesn't feel about me the way I felt about him. What relaxing thoughts to wake up too, huh?

I was discharged after a couple hours, and I was told I couldn't do anything...well at all because I could open a stitch, especially in my neck it'd be disastrous. So I was put on the couch and basically everyone served me. It got really boring quickly, especially when going to the bathroom required ten people to accompany me. So the next day I started doing things just to show them that I didn't need them to do everything.

And now, three weeks later, here I am...graduating high school. It was a bittersweet moment, I was happy to leave high school but I knew everyone after this would be going their separate ways. I was especially upset about Sophie; she was going to go far away to college, away from me, so this would be the first time in years that we don't go to the same school. First time in forever that we won't be together every day. But I had to deal with it, she'd visit and we'd video chat.

I managed to curl my hair without hurting myself too much. I was still a bit sore from the surgery and from the wound but things have been getting easier for me to do alone. After curling my hair, I did my eyeliner and added some lipstick because I wasn't going to mess around with my contour and highlight right now. Then I put on my graduation outfit which was a dress that was white at the top, the sleeves going off my shoulders, and then red at the bottom but it spread out looking like a trapezoid. It was also lace so it looked really cute. I also added nude pumps to top it off because why not. The graduation robe would cover it up but Asher and I had a little surprise planned. I slipped on the black graduation robe and grabbed my hat before heading downstairs.

Asher and Alec both wore similar outfits, black dress pants, black shoes, and two blue shirts. Alec's was darker than Asher's but darker colors suited Alec more. Ever since I got out of the hospital, Alec has been acting weird. After the two words he said to me, that was it. Nothing else. Only spoke maybe to ask me something.. Almost as though he's been ignoring me and I can't figure out why. He's been distant lately, not really talking to me like we normally would, and that really sucks. Especially since my feelings for him were literally killing me; I wanted him so badly. And I know he wants me too, why else would he have donated eight pints of blood for me? But I don't know why he's acting like this.

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