Chapter 13: Like a Date?

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The boys did show Sophie HQ and even though she still was upset, she seemed pretty intrigued by the whole HQ. My wound still ached but Nolan told me it was normal for it ache while healing. Nolan also taught Sophie how to keep records which Sophie found exciting while I mostly hung out with Asher while we scrolled through Netflix. Alec would spend the majority of his time in the makeshift gym, shirtless I might add, punching the punching bag and working on his fighting skills. Beau mostly kept busy by looking at a map of the city and keeping in contact with his buyers.

"Dean!" Asher shouted as we finished season 3 of supernatural. It asked us if we wanted to continue to the next episode and Asher said yes, looking as if he will cry. I actually did cry when Dean died but now I know everything that happened so for me, it's just another episode. Alec glances over, shakes his head and continues with his fighting. Asher and I have been binge watching Supernatural since lunch today, since its Friday, I had no curfew so we skipped fifth and started the show.

I've been told that I watch way too many shows. My favorite show has to be Supernatural, closely followed by Once Upon a Time. Asher doesn't watch any TV usually so it's up to me to show him the best shows. Next up, we're watching Once Upon a Time. Dark Emma kills me so much. Why do the writers do that to me?

"Why haven't I seen supernatural before? It's so good!" Asher cries out, Alec tells him to shut up, "I love you too Alec, our love doesn't have to be a secret!"

Alec rolls his eyes and I can't help but smile. I ship it but I know if I say it aloud, it'll kill the whole mood, "Supernatural really is good, you should give it a chance Alec."

"If I wanted to waste my time on the couch watching TV series, then I wouldn't be as buff as I am," he says, arrogantly.

"You're buff?" I ask and Asher can't help but crack up. Alec shoots me a glare, the glare never went away.

"I've said it before, I'll say it again, I love this girl," Asher admits and I shrug but smile. I get my phone out and notice a text from my mom telling me to not stay out late but I know its wishful thinking. Sophie doesn't look like she wants to go home yet and neither do I. But I do want to read so I get the book out my school bag and begin reading. I'm reading the whole I am Number Four series and I'm completely obsessed. One thing I hate so much is how he leaves it on a cliffhanger every book. I recently bought myself the series and made it to the fourth book, The Fall of Five. After this, I've only got two more books left to read. I'm really nervous because it just seems as if it has a bad ending.

It doesn't take me long to finish the book and when I do, I get angry. He killed Eight? Eight was the nicest one of them all and really nice to Five. Not to mention, Five tried to kill Nine? Nine is my favorite character in the whole book and now I would rather have Five dead but for Eight to come back. I hope he brings him back in the next book since he left it on another cliffhanger.

I didn't bring the next book because I didn't know that I would have time to read it, not to mention, it's one am so it would probably be smart to go home but then again, Sophie and I are used to all-nighters. I guess Sophie read my mind because she checked her phone and gasped really loudly. We've spent a whole day just hanging out with the boys. We should really set limits to how much we can hang with them because this is getting a little out of hand.

Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with these boys, but we hang out way too much. It seems whenever the weekend hits, they're always dragging us somewhere with them. Whenever they want to go somewhere, we tag along. It's always a blast hanging out with them but hanging out way too much isn't good for anyone.

"We should go," I say, while yawning. I never realized how tired I was until now.

"Aw," Asher whines, "Already?"

I nod, "Yeah, it's late and I could use some sleep."

He sighs, "I guess."

I smirk, "Come on, Sophie."

She nods instead of replying because she's in the middle of a yawn, "Sounds like a good plan."

Asher agrees to come with us, ever since the incident with the gun, they've been iffy to let me go alone. Alec decides to come with us as well, not because he's scared I'll just shot or anything, but because I might get shot and he could beat the guy up. I guess I should feel somewhat grateful he'd beat the guy up?

We get onto the roof and I automatically see Asher and Alec looking around, observing their surroundings. Asher leads the way, followed by Sophie, then me and Alec decides to be the last person. I would be lying if I said I wasn't walking a bit slower than normal just so I can keep up a pace with Alec to talk.

"Why is it so cold?" I ask, shuddering. I don't really like the cold, I don't like the hot either but at least it's more bearable.

"Is it?" Alec wonders.

"Yeah," I say in a 'duh' tone.

"It feels normal to me."

"That's because you have a cold heart," I say, aloud and Alec chuckles.

"I guess that's true," he tells me. We make our way over to the car when we hear a loud noise. Alec's arm automatically goes around me, pushing me behind him, and hand on his gun which is secured in the back waistband of his jeans. We listen closely, the noise getting closer, when we realize, it's only an alley cat jumping on the dumpsters. Alec relaxes but his arm doesn't leave my side.

Asher clears his throat, causing Alec to drop his arm and then let me go ahead to the car. I nod a thanks to him before unlocking my car. Before I get in Asher's voice stops me.

"Quick question Evie," he says, "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Most likely hanging out with you guys," I tell him and he nods.

"True," he says, sheepishly, "How about we go do something tomorrow, just the two of us, around six?"

"Like a date?" I ask, I feel Alec tensing up.

Asher shrugs, "If that's what you want to call it. So you in?"

I nod, "Sure, let's do it."

Asher has a huge grin, bigger than the usual one he has, "Great!"

I smile back, "See you tomorrow then."

Asher nods and steps to the side as I shut my door. As I pull away, I glance in the rearview mirror and swear I see Alec looking disappointed or angry. Maybe both.


2 updates in one day???! Crazy right? But i figured why not because the previous update wasn't much of an interesting update :) 

But how do you guys feel about Asher and Evie going on a date? Do you guys ship her with anyone yet? Anyway thanks so much for reading, i appreciate you so much!

Up above is a photo of Alec who is played by Matt Lanter because 90210 is actually a really good show :) 

Anyway love you tons! Enjoy the chapter!

One of a KindOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora