Chapter 2: Anatomy with the Bad Boy

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Second period history was pretty uneventful. I came in, turned in my homework, took the quiz, which I think I got a solid eighty on, and then watched a video about knights. Okay it was the movie Knight's Tale, you know the one with Heath Ledger, may he rest in peace. Technically, it was informational because knights were a part of history and we were in history. In other words, Mr. Herald didn't feel like teaching us anything and wanted a blow off day. We have way too many of these honestly but hey, as long as I get to see Heath Ledger, I'm good.

A class I wasn't looking forward to was Anatomy. It sucks that I hate that class so much when I want to be a nurse. Our teacher is completely unreasonable; she gave us a due date once for the paper and I had seventy percent of it done when she told us, she wanted it due at the end of class. Well let's just say, I got an eighty on an easily ninety paper. She decided over the weekend to change it last minute and not tell us. I was upset and so we don't have a very good relationship now.

When I walked in, well she had to make matters worse. We were getting new seats which sucked. I liked my old partner, she was easy to talk to and she was pretty funny. I don't really like many people in this class, probably because they're the popular ones who aren't the best to talk to. They seem pretty stuck up and have these annoyingly high pitched voices which give everyone a headache. I pray I don't get one of them.

As the bell rings, Ms. Kenneth walks in and clears her throat at her class whos standing at the front of the class, awaiting their doom. Before she can break the news, Nolan Acker walks in. Nolan Acker is two-fourths of the four bad boys our school has. Nolan is really good looking with dark brown-black hair that's short in the back but long in the front that he spikes up, dark brown eyes, and black rimmed glasses that actually look good on him. He's really smart but hot which is not fair because he's like the perfect boy. He's pretty quiet, doesn't speak much but he's really good with a computer. He doesn't look like a bad boy, considering he's wearing a gray button down shirt, khakis and black hi-tops, but he is.

"Okay class," she says, "Instead of assigning seats this time, you'll choose your seats and then I'll write down who you're sitting with and where you're sitting."

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she did this because she wants to be nicer but she was probably too lazy to make another seating chart. Ms. Kenneth is probably in her late thirties with jet black hair, brown eyes and a light skin color. She's not the skinniest teacher but she isn't obese either; she also has the cutest daughter who will come visit sometimes when she gets dropped off by her dad. But as soon as she finished her sentence, everyone rushed to find a seat and sit with their friends. I let the chaos calm down before taking a seat at a table all the way in the back. For this class, I don't mind sitting in the back.

I don't care who I sit with since I don't really care enough to make friends with anyone in this class but soon enough someone sits down next to me. I assume it's that girl I sat with last time but I feel twenty something glares on me. As I look up, the whole class is staring at me. Some of them are in shock, some in anger and some are in pure denial. That's when I finally look next to me. It's not that girl. That girl is sitting at the front with her friend.

Sitting right next to me is none other than Nolan Acker himself. He must be used to the stares or does his best to ignore them because he simply stares ahead at the front of the class, not paying any attention to me or the rest of the class. First Beau stares at me, then Nolan sits next to me. I know it's because I was the only seat open since every other seat was taken so that's why Nolan sat next to me but the other people don't think that. I can hear the rumors already starting about how we're in a relationship or something like that.

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