Chapter 34: Kicking off the New Year to a Great Start

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I got two new bath bombs, a pink rose one and a space girl one. I also bought some new blue, purple, and black eyeliner. I also bought a new contour and highlighting kit since it was on sale. Finally, I went to a bathroom and changed into the new outfit and to do my makeup. I had curled my hair earlier today so I put it in a ponytail with some strands of hair loose out and made my way to Times Square. I had thirty minutes until the ball dropped but it took forever to find the boys.

When I finally found them, there was less than five minutes. Asher's face lights up when he sees me, "Hey, there you are! I thought I'd have to scour New York for you."

I smile and shrug, "Looks like you won't have to do that."

I don't look at Alec, I'm still pretty pissed at him. We countdown as the ball begins dropping down. When it hits one, confetti flies everywhere as they all shout 'Happy New Year'. Asher grips me in a tight hug and spins me around, making me dizzy, but I still smile and laugh. When he puts me down he's grinning from ear to ear. Beau and Nolan wish me a happy New Year before making their way out the crowd. Asher follows behind and I'm behind Asher; Alec doesn't say anything and I won't be the first one to say anything either. Call me petty but he started the fight for no good reason.

We pile into the car, I get to sit upfront for once with Beau and we head to the party. The party is in the middle of the city at the top where the penthouse is. The first five floors are full of people but the guy bought floors five to the penthouse so no one would complain about his parties. So we can party all we want and no one will call the cops. Also the empty rooms give a great place for people to have sex if the penthouses' ten rooms are booked. But at the top of the place there's a pool with hot tub, strobe lights and a bar. I have to say I'm impressed.

The guy who's hosting it is apparently one of Asher's good friends, Ben Jenkins, whose father is filthy rich that he doesn't care anymore what his son does. Ben is handsome, with dark brown hair thrown to the side but the one side of his head is shaved with a line going down the side. He's pretty tan with these beautiful hazel eyes that could make you get lost in them and a really nice body. He's shirtless with only a swimsuit and I swear his abs go all the way down to his feet.

"Party Asher!" Ben shouts, coming over, "So glad you made it man!"

Asher smiles and they do that weird hug dudes do, "Hope we aren't late to the party."

Ben laughs, "What are you talking about?! The party just started! And you never told me you were bringing such a pretty date." His eyes linger on me and he winks. I hate to say this, but I blushed a bit. I laugh awkwardly.

"Um we're just friends," I let him know but then regret it when the guy gets intrigued.

"Oh really?" He smiles, "So maybe I should get to know you."

He steps extremely close into my personal space that his lips are almost on mine. I smile politely and then move back a bit, in reality a lot, that I hit into Alec who looks on his guard, ready to fight. If I wasn't pissed I'd probably be happy about his guard dog look right now, but I'm pretty pissed.

"Yeah sure, just not here, and not today," I say with a hint of sass. He smirks.

"You're one of the only girls I know that would say no to me. I look forward to getting to know you," he winks before walking off. Asher smirks at me.

"We're only here for two minutes and you're already attracting my friends," he jokes and I laugh.

"It must be the shirt," I admit. The shirt is really low in the front that it's showing more cleavage than I care to and the jeans are tighter than they were when I tried it on. Although, I have to admit I look pretty good, but this attention I'm getting, not the type I usually like to receive.

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