Chapter 32: Aspen Injury

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Our last day in Aspen was going to be an all-skiing day. After the wonderful family dinner Asher's sister invited us to, and after my dad called me to yell at me for embarrassing him in front of a person who could mean millions for his company, I was ready to hit the slopes and not think about anything else. But not before I got revenge on Katherine.

The whole reason I was invited was so Asher wouldn't freak out and scare me off when they dropped that bomb. But what she didn't know was I hated being used so I was going to have fun getting even. Yesterday in all the confusion, I grabbed Nolan's phone, which explained why my wallpaper was Britney Spears from Baby One More Time and not Dean Winchester from Supernatural. Now as much as I hate snooping through people's phones, Nolan's is one of the coolest phones ever. I had accidentally turned on an app that makes a copy of someone else's phone on your own phone, giving you access to all their things, and when Katherine and I were in the limo it made a copy of her phone. Let's just say, making a sex tape is never a good idea, and I made sure it was forwarded to all her contacts, including her dad, and then returned Nolan's phone. I'm not someone you should really mess with.

I wasn't going to tell Asher, I'm sure he'd find out eventually, but I didn't know how to set it back so I told Nolan who promised to keep it on the down low. Montgomery Inc is going to get some very good publicity, maybe not the kind they like, but the kind everyone else loves; scandals always interest the entire population.

"Ready?" Asher asks, throwing me out of my day-dream and I nod. I follow them outside. It doesn't take us long to reach the slopes and once we do, well the boys are gone. I stay on the smaller ones because knowing how great of a skier I am, I'd probably fall and crack my skull, killing me; I've kinda made a deal with Sophie I wouldn't die skiing so I have to avoid all the situations.

Asher and Alec hit the big slopes while Beau and Nolan stayed nearby me. It was a pretty nice day, not too cold and there was sunshine, and it seemed to going well, but nothing stays well for us. Asher and Alec have a great idea to race down one of the biggest slopes here because they have to assert who the alpha is or some weird male thing. But the thing is, the slopes are way too steep and rocking to race so one bad move and they could seriously injure themselves, or worse die. But try telling that to two guys who compete at everything.

Eventually, I stopped trying because they were going to do it anyway and I just stood back and prayed for the best. They took their marks, waited, and then went. I stood there with Beau and Nolan who seemed interested instead of worried. They were actually betting.

"Five bucks on Asher," Nolan tells Beau, "Asher's done this his whole life, he knows how to ski better."

Beau shrugs, "I don't know man, we all know how Alec can be when he really wants to win. Five bucks on Alec because Alec is full of surprises."

"Are you two seriously betting?" I ask, not really shocked more upset, "What if they get injured?"

Beau smirks, "Evie, they've done worse than ski. Do you forget we're in a gang? Every day is a risk."

"Yeah but they're putting themselves in this risk."

"It's going to be fine," Nolan assures me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Alec and Asher are two really good skiers, they wouldn't do this if they couldn't."

I give a look that says are-you-kidding, "Really?"

Nolan nods, "They'll be fine."

I hope he's right. I just stand at the top and watch them avoid the rocks, trees, and branches getting in their way. So far it looks like Asher's leading and the finish line is in sight but like Beau said, Alec is full of surprises. Alec skis right and hits onto a steep ledge which propels him into the air and to get right in front of Asher just as the finish line nears; Alec wins.

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