Chapter 8: School Day

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All of them were acting strangely, except Alec, he was still shooting glares at me. Nolan was a lot more talkative and opening while Asher sat next to me during creative hour and struck a conversation with me. I made sure to bring the signed Divergent book so I can rub in Marc's face how he failed at ruining my life. Vivian radiated anger as to why Asher sat with me and not her. The whole school was buzzing about us.

The boys met up with us in the library and forced us to come to the cafeteria. In the cafeteria, we sat with them and the whole school was glaring. Mostly the girls who were angry that they chose Sophie and me over them. It was really awkward for us; the boys easily had a conversation and I actually think Alec might've laughed but then again, he could've been choking. Sophie and I had nothing really to add to the conversation so we just sat there, awkwardly listening to their conversations about which car is better.

I couldn't wait for the day to be done but even after the bell rang, Asher waited for me. I half-listened to what he was telling me and nodded my head sometimes to pretend I was listening fully. I saw Sophie who had a look that said kill-me-now. Neither of us really wanted this friendship, we were fine when it was just the two of us, and well, now it's the six of us.

"And then I said, dude you're wrong!" Asher finishes, laughing and I smile politely. I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Wow, I can't believe you said that!" I say, I hope he can hear the subtle sarcasm in my voice but he doesn't, "Uh Sophie, don't you have to drop off your books?"

She perks up at this, "Oh my god, you're totally right! Well thanks for walking with us but I think we can manage from here on out."

Nolan and Asher nod, "Okay well, we can wait here if you want."

We shake our heads, "No! I mean thanks but I'm sure you've got things to do rather than wait for us."

"You'd think but not really," Asher says and throws his arm around my shoulders. I shrug it off and shake my head.

"Really appreciate it but we can take it from here."

They nod, "Okay well see you tomorrow."

Oh god there's going to be a tomorrow?

I smile and nod, "Awesome, see you then."

We turn, walking off towards her locker. Sophie lets out an annoyed groan and hits her head, softly, against the locker, "I don't think I can survive another day."

I nod, "I feel you."

She sighs and throws her books in her locker without even organizing them. The only time she doesn't neatly put her stuff in her locker is when she's sad or tired and I'm going to assume she's tired.

"They're cool and all but holy shit they talk a lot," Sophie says, chuckling.

"True," I say, rolling my eyes a little bit. As we turn around, we face none other than Kiera Sanchez herself. She wears a tight blouse that shows off her fake boobs all too well, shorts that show off her ass, or at least if she had one, and heels to make her look taller. You can tell her light blonde hair is full of extensions because they look so fake. Her face is caked with makeup that she looks like she slapped every makeup known to man.

"Kiera," I say and she scoffs before pressing one of her French manicured fingers on my shoulder.

"Look," she says in a fake sweet voice, "I don't know what the hell is going on between you two and the four but let's make one thing clear. I called dibs on all four of them. If I can't have them, then you two losers sure as hell can't so back off before I make you regret ever talking to them."

I roll my eyes, "Look Kiera, how about you first realize that these boys have no interest in you so stop being a desperate hoe and stop chasing after them. Honey, desperation doesn't look good on anyone and you reek of it."

Kiera narrows her gaze at me, "Watch it."

"Or what?"


"Yeah or what?" I hear Asher say as he and the other three approach us. I can handle myself but I'm kind of glad they're here.

"You completely misunderstood me-"

"So you didn't call dibs on us?" Nolan asks, in a slow monotone voice.

"Well I did but-"

"And you didn't just threaten our friends?" Beau puts in.

"Well I wouldn't say threaten-"

"And you don't reek of desperation?" Alec adds, flashing a smirk at her. Kiera looks like she's at a loss for words.


"Okay Kiera," Asher says, "Let's get one thing clear, you and us, never happening. So I suggest you don't threaten our friends. We don't like desperate girls or girls who treat us like property."

"This is the part where you leave," I tell her and she looks bewildered. I've never seen her at a loss for words before. Vivian grabs her friends arm and drags her away before she can be even more embarrassed than she already is. Okay so maybe we were a little hard on the guys. Perhaps having their friendship wasn't all that bad.

"You're welcome," they say in unison and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, thank you."

"For once, our constant talking came in handy," Nolan says, in a matter-of-fact tone. Something tells me they overheard us. Sophie looks over at me and sighs.

"Thanks," she says, "Maybe today wasn't that bad of a day."

The guys take this as a compliment and we leave the school. As we walk to our cars and motorcycle because Alec has to be the stereotype, I can't help but feel like someone is watching me. Maybe the paranoia is getting to me or something like that. The boys stop next to my car and there's an awkward silence we haven't had all day.

"So clear your schedules, tonight we're hanging out," Asher says with a huge grin.

"Yeah no, it's a school night," I say and they smirk.

"Exactly why you're hanging with us."

"I'm confused."

"Basically, you're going to have to toughen up or else you're never going to survive in the real world so we'll pick you up at eight," Asher says, "And don't worry about dressing nice, your hobo outfit today works perfect."

I scowl before agreeing with him. My outfit does look pretty homeless today but before I can say no to the hang out, the sleek black Mustang pulls out the parking lot and screeches down the street with the motorcycle close behind. I look over at Sophie, I guess we're having plans tonight.


photo of the characters at the top :)

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