Chapter 16: Car Crash

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******Enjoy this video of multicouples because it is such an amazing video******

It was Sunday and we were hanging out at HQ. Sophie was looking with Beau about something on the internet, I think Beau said some gang was getting too close for comfort, and they wanted to see if there were any news stories. Nolan was working on homework and trying to hack into the school's database to change a zero he got for a paper to a hundred. Alec, as usual, was training although he seemed more agitated than usual. Asher told me it was because he gets nervous when a gang gets into their territory because it challenges their power. Asher was actually reading Pride and Prejudice which made me happy. At least I wasn't the only one reading.

I wasn't planning on going home early but I felt my phone buzz. Mom said she needed to talk to me about something but if I was going to be out late it could wait until tomorrow. I didn't want to be out late but at the same time, it's about nine pm so I would really like to go to bed. So I decided to get the best of both worlds. I told my mom I was probably going to be late and we could talk tomorrow which she agreed to. But now I had a chance to actually go home at a decent time. If I ever leave earlier, the boys automatically get dramatic like oh you hate us or don't want to spend time with us or we annoy you so I just stay. Besides, Sophie really loves hanging out with them and she usually sleeps over so I stay for her sake as well. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with the boys but I also miss actually sleeping.

I stand up which gets everyone's attention, "I'm going to head home."

Asher pouts and gets sad, "Why?"

"My mom says she needs to talk to me about something and well, I'm extremely curious."

Sophie shoots me daggers, "Why can't you stay until like ten?"

"You know my parents are in bed by then."

"I'll drop you off," Beau tells Sophie who shrugs. I know she isn't comfortable enough to be alone with them but if I went on a date with one of them, she could at least ride home with one of them. Besides, I see the way Beau looks at her, he clearly likes her. He always smiles when she's around. Anything she does, he gets into and he always invites her to do things with him. I see a relationship blossoming.

Speaking of relationships, Sophie asked me a zillion times about whether or not Asher and I were a thing. She kept saying he liked me and that we'd be cute together, not to mention, the million questions she asked me about our date. She'd always say aw and relationship goals at everything I said and I would roll my eyes. I'm not going to rush into a relationship because we had one good night. I need to think through this, if I fuck this up, this could fuck a bunch of things up. Love is a tricky and dangerous thing that holds a lot of power. Power I'm not ready to unleash.

"Okay well I'll see you guys tomorrow," I say, "Have a good night."

I grab my jacket and keys, making my way to my car. I hear someone come out with me, assuming that it's Asher because he's been around me all day but it's Alec. He doesn't speak and the silence is overwhelming. It just makes everything else seem louder, like the annoying cricket that keeps chirping. But I guess that's Alec. Alec is never really talkative or interesting in striking up a conversation.

We get to my car and look at each other for a second or so. I want him to say something, I want him to start a conversation for once but he doesn't. He looks at me with his dark eyes, before turning around and leaving. Every time I think we're close to becoming friends, he proves me wrong. Maybe we're not meant to be friends.

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