Chapter 38: Adapt or Die

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***This video is so funny you guys have to watch it. It'll make sense later and I'll explain it in the authors note***

Jake and I were trending news for a week before something new came along; Kiera had sex with a teacher. After much investigation, we found out the rumor was false and people still talked about it. Sometimes I hated high school. Too many rumors and majority of them were never true.

Jake and I kept a friendship, we smiled at each other and we worked together if needed but we weren't as close as we once were. Of course anytime we were seen together everyone immediately assumed we were together. God, I hate high school. Graduation was a couple months away and all I could do is pray that it'd come quick.

Although nothing that day compared to what would happen later. Halfway to lunch I realize that I need something from my house; pads. I hate it when Mother Nature decides to surprise you when it's your time of the month. Now usually I track it so I don't get any surprises but with everything that was happening, it completely escaped my mind. Now the thing is, I had pads at Asher's place but definitely not enough to last me the entire week. I always figured I had time to go get some and well, now I really had to.

After much arguing, mostly because I didn't want to answer the question as to why I had to go home, Alec agrees he'll take me because Asher wants to go to fifth period today and the others can't skip. As for me, I could skip and be okay, and Alec frankly didn't care. The ride to the house was awkward, mostly because we sat in silence listening to Sorry by Justin Bieber blast at a low volume.

"Wait here," I tell him, "I'll be quick."

He nods, "Okay."

I grab my backpack and unlock the door. I run straight for my room and since my room is really bare, I find it in no time. After a complete outfit change, resulting in me throwing away that glorious outfit because it was gone beyond saving, I decided I was done. On my way down the stairs, that's when I noticed it.

I know my house very well, it's been the house I grew up in, and I knew immediately something was off. I didn't touch the downstairs when I was leaving, I only packed up my room and bathroom. But my mom's magazines were scattered along the coffee table so I knew something had to have happened. Now the smart idea would've been to get Alec and then explore but I don't think smart so I decided to go alone. Reason number one why white people die in every horror movie ever.

Well I nearly did die because the minute I stepped into the kitchen someone attacked me. The person grabbed me from behind, making me scream to the point I thought all the glass would break. I kick the person in the shin and escape from their grasp but they're much faster so they grab me by the arm, throwing me against the wall. I hit head first because the thought to use my arms came after I hit head first. I can definitely tell the person is a male mostly because of how tall and built he is. He's covered in all black, including a ski mask covering his face but I swear he looks familiar. I've seen those eyes before and let me tell you, I've never seen such hatred in a person's eyes before.

I didn't think and instead reacted, which could've been good if it worked. As he approached me, I used all my weight to land a punch to his face. I succeeded but in the process hurt my hand, only I could do something like this, and then proceeded to knee him where the sun doesn't shine. It stunned him and maybe if I could run fast, I really should've done PE this year, I would've made it out but as I reached the door, he reached me.

He grabs my hair, which is a weak move I might say, and yanks me from the door, throwing me across the room. I grab a vase, throw it at him but I miss, I hate my luck, and it crashes on the wall next to him. He lunges at me, and I dive out the way, letting him hit the wall. Maybe I should've used that time frame to run but knowing how slow I am, it would probably be useful to try and fight him off.

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