Chapter 22: I'll Protect you

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The week of school passed quickly. Our fall break week came up, and the boys were over at seven AM sharp, I was kidding when I said that, but they brought us donuts and coffee so I can't complain that much. We had to start off by sorting through the remainder of the boxes considering we only got through five.

The boys had a lot of fun looking through them, occasionally finding items they liked that I let them keep. They tried to argue but after I told them that it would just go in the attic, they caved in. Going through the boxes, we didn't find much, other than a Polaroid camera we all decided to use. Sophie began taking pictures to put on my wall and she even found some old ones of my parents.

After we got through all the boxes, it was time for the hard part, getting it to the attic. Sophie pulled the ladder down and the boys each slowly began to climb. I wanted to help but they didn't want to risk me injuring my shoulder even more. By the time we got the boxes to the attic, it was already past five so we decided to hold off on doing anything else.

The guys wanted us to go out clubbing but I could think of, at least, three reasons why that was a bad idea. Firstly, we were all exhausted from being up at seven AM and then clearing out my room. Secondly, none of us were old enough for the club or could drink which completely kills the vibe. Thirdly, I don't feel like being arrested for being a minor in a club.

"Honestly, I think I'm going to stay in and watch TV," I tell them which only gets a look of astonishment from all of them.

"Come on we need to do something fun," Asher begs and I shake my head.

"I'm exhausted and I would really like to sleep."

"How about this, you guys go and I'll stay here with Evie," Alec puts in, shocking me. Why would he volunteer to stay with me? Why do I need someone to stay with me?

"If you wanna go Alec, you really don't have to-"

He stops me mid-sentence, "I'm staying; besides, clubs will only irritate me."

Sophie looks at me with wide eyes and I shrug. In the end, Alec and I remained back while the rest of them piled into Asher's Cadillac. I took a seat on the couch, turning on the TV, as Alec made some Hot Pockets for us. He wants to watch a movie that's not on Netflix so I let him go through our movie cabinet. My parents love movies and so we have a huge selection of movies to choose from. Alec picks Jupiter Ascending with Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis in it. I saw it when we first got it but it was definitely a movie I'd watch again.

Alec puts in the DVD player and sits next to me on the couch. He motions at the Hot Pocket but I shake my head. I'm not that hungry but Alec apparently is considering he had three of them, I don't understand how he's still so fit. We sit in silence for a long time until he breaks it.

"So what made you not want to go clubbing?" He asks me, "Usually you're always up for partying."

I shrug, regretting it because it hurt my shoulder, "I just didn't feel like it."

"Is everything okay?" He asks, I can hear some worry in his tone.

"I mean, I guess I'm just nervous about my mom."

"How about your shoulder?"

"What do you mean?"

"Does it hurt?"

I sigh, "I mean of course it does, it's painful to just do the simplest of things."

"If you need a break, just tell us, we won't think less of you. Your shoulder got dislocated, it's okay to admit it hurts once in a while," he tells me and I shrug.

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