Chapter 35: Jake's Return

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After a winter break like mine, coming back to school was the last thing you really wanted to. It's been a couple weeks since winter break finished but every morning I wake up I still wish I was in Aspen or New York. Sophie was really upset she couldn't go with us but there wasn't much I could do. Sometimes she just needs to rebel against her mom.

"So that creep really tried to make out with you?" Sophie asks.

I nod, "Yeah, pretty much."

"Was he cute, at least?" She asks.

I nod, "Sophie, he was beyond hot, but a creep."

"Why are all the creeps hot?"

"You're telling me."

Now to people passing by, this conversation might seem strange but for us it was completely normal. We were making our way to English and using every possible second from the passing period to keep from arriving to class. This semester was mainly essays which I suck at, but only English essays because I do great in History, but English seems to be a weak point. Regardless of the point, this semester wasn't going to be an easy one.

Kiera and her goons were passing by and when Kiera saw me she smiled. But not a friendly or you look cute smile, nope a you-are-so-not-going-to-like-what-you-see smile. Her goons have the same smile plastered on their face as they pass by us, their hair flying in the wind like it's some movie.

"What was that about?" Sophie asks.

I shrug, "If I spent time trying to figure out everything they did and why, I'd be dead, from boredom."

Sophie laughs but quickly stops laughing and walking. Her face turns blank and she stares with a blank expression. At first I think it's Trevor but because of the giant group of people around the person, I can't tell. It isn't until one of them move that I see the person for who it really is.

My bag falls off my shoulder and my text book crashes into the floor. His blue-green eyes meet my brown ones, and his adorable smile lights up his entire face. He hasn't changed one bit, his hair is a little darker blonde than it was before and his body is more buff, but he still looks like the same person. He's wearing a blue knit shirt that hug his body well, revealing his very nice looking biceps, and jeans that aren't baggy or tight. He wears his white converse, the ones we got last year together to match, and on his hand he wears a fabric bracelet that I remember I made him.

"Evie," He says, immediately kissing me. Unlike Ben, I don't push him off but instead kiss him right back. His left arm immediately goes around my waist bringing me closer and his right hand caresses my cheek. My arms go around his neck and I stand on my tip-toes to reach him. It was almost as though nothing changed. Almost.

Once we were done, he smiles at me and I smile back but I'm confused, "Jake, what are you doing back here?"

He smiles, "I came back, babe."

"And you just thought we could pick up right where we left off?"

"Well considering the way you kissed me, I think we just did."

"I hate it when you're right."

He smiles, "You love me."

"You're right," I tell him, "I do."

He picks my stuff up and laces his hand with mine. The crowd parts like the red sea, giving us a pathway to my class. Jake smiles at me, kissing me quickly before letting me go into class. His kiss is still on my lips when the bell rings, signaling I'm late. The news about us goes quickly, All Star Couple is back.

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