Chapter 12: What are Best Friends For?

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I was walking with Beau after first when we were ambushed, no not by the Black Jaguars, but by someone scarier, Sophie. She looked pissed to the point I could see her cheeks turning a bit red from the anger. My bet, she was angry about what happened yesterday at the headquarters which I didn't tell her. I didn't want her to overreact like she is now.

"Hey Sophie," Beau says and she sends death glares at him.

"Don't hey Sophie me!" She shouts, "How could you not tell me you were shot!"

"Shh," I shush her, "Stop being so loud."

"So sorry for being loud when I find out my best friend got shot yesterday and I don't even find out from her! I find out from Asher! I mean imagine my surprise when I hear that you got shot and you didn't think about mentioning it at all!"

"The shot wasn't even meant for me so calm down. It was meant for Alec but I kinda pushed him out the way."

"It doesn't matter! First off, just because the shot wasn't meant for you doesn't mean you didn't get shot. Second of all, this shot was meant for him, this is too dangerous for us! They're supposed to protect us but you got shot. How is that safe?! Third of all, just because the shot wasn't meant for you, I'm sure the person saw who you were and now what's stopping them from coming after you? The next shot might be meant just for you! This is serious, you're in danger and I'm sure your parents don't want you finishing senior year up in a casket!"

I hug her tightly, "I love that you care so much for me but everything will be okay. Trust me and trust them, they won't let anyone hurt us."

She sighs, "It's just, it was fun until this reality set in. They're a gang, no one associated with gangs live long and I don't want that to be us. I just don't think I could survive ever losing you."

I smile at this, "Don't worry, you can't get rid of me."

"Okay," she sighs, "I think I yelled at you enough but not Beau. I mean how could you be so dumb and not make sure it was safe? Isn't the first training to make sure your surroundings are safe and not life-threatening?"

"Sophie-"He begins.

"I don't want to hear anything," she announces, "I'm going to class and you better not expect me to talk to you all happily."

She storms off towards class and I look at Beau, "She'll calm down soon enough."

He smirks, "Actually angry Sophie is really hot."

I punch him in the shoulder lightly, "Just know if you hurt her, I'll hurt you twenty million times worse."

"Duly noted," he chuckles and I get serious.

"I'm not kidding."

He smirks, "I know you aren't, that's what I love about your friendship with each other, you protect each other with your life."

"Damn straight," I tell him. I've known Sophie since kindergarten when Keith pushed her down. I went up to Keith, called him a few names, made him cry but he left her alone. After that, Sophie and I became inseparable. We did everything together and by everything I do mean everything, at one point, our periods got in sync. It was a terrible time because both of us were moody, wanted ice cream and cried over everything. Now look at us, we're seniors and our friendship is still as close as ever.

The warning bell rings, causing Beau to go to class and me to start pacing to history. I make it in time but keep thinking about our friendship. I used to think the boys had a closer friendship than Sophie and I but that's not the case. Sophie and I are very close, we do everything together. The boys do do things together but they aren't as close as Sophie and I. We tell each other everything, well almost everything, but the boys seem like they have many secrets between them. Sometimes secrets are a good thing but not a lot. Friendships need to be based on trust and if you can't be honest with someone, then perhaps you aren't as best of friends as you thought you were.

I take out my phone, click on Sophie and send her a text.

Sorry for keeping the secret from you but thanks for caring J

She replied almost instantly.

What are best friends for ;)

I laugh, she's truly my best friend.


Kinda a filler chapter so hope you enjoy :)

Up above is Nolan who is played by the very attractive person called Dylan O'Brien ;)

I'm using it when he was in the internship because he was so adorable in that movie :)

Anyway thanks so much for the 140+ reads :) make sure to vote and leave feedback :)

I love you!

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