Chapter 1: High School

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High school, this is supposed to be the best four years of your life, if you're a jock, cheerleader, pretty and smart. Everyone focuses on the jocks, since football is treated like a religion here, which allows them to be giant dicks to everyone because they can. Being a cheerleader gives girls an excuse to just wear short skirts and look like skanks in school without getting in trouble. If you're pretty, well you lucked out, because everyone wants you and they want the attention from you. Last, but not least, if you're smart, everyone knows who you are because they can cheat off of you and make friends with you just so you will let them cheat off of you.

Then there are people like me. Average people who keep their head down and want to get out as soon as they can. I'm not extremely smart, I'm not pretty and I'm definitely not athletic, I barely survived PE my freshman year to get my credit for it. So for people like me, high school really sucks. You don't get much out of it other than mental breakdowns because you try to be smart but sometimes fail miserably. You never get any of the good boys because they're all focusing on the pretty girls who they want. Basically, you don't enjoy the experience because there is nothing to enjoy.

I guess being invisible has its perks. You can hear all the juicy gossip without them knowing that you know. You can also hear things that you can report to get money for it, I don't do that but I could be really rich if I did. But most of all, you don't have the pressure to be perfect. They don't expect me to come to school with my hair done, makeup done, outfit perfect and being smart. I honestly don't know how the popular girls do it considering I cringe at the thought of brushing my lion's mane that is my hair.

Like today, I wear a simple blue t-shirt, dark blue jeans and my black converse. My dark brown hair doesn't look bad today considering I actually straightened it to look somewhat nice. I have some white eyeshadow on but it blends in with my tan skin, but also makes my brown eyes pop, and a thin layer of eyeliner because I figured if I'm wearing eyeshadow I might as well wear eyeliner. But other than that, I'm pretty plain.

But like I said, it doesn't matter. No one will pay attention to me. Instead they'll decide to walk extremely slowly in the hallways because they're too invested in their phones to look where they walk. What could possibly be going on on Twitter or Instagram that's more important than them actually walking normal speed? I have social media but by no means am I obsessed with it, okay maybe Wattpad but there are so many good books to read, to the point I will crowd the halls to like a picture my friend standing next to me just posted. I don't understand humanity.

After finally making it past the crowd, I slip into my pre-calculus class and take my usual seat in the middle. I hate being in the front because then the teacher calls on me all the time and the back is way too far from the board so I get distracted easily. The middle is perfect because I blend in with the other students but I'm not too far away to the point I won't pay attention to the teacher. Mrs. Jenkins is a pretty cool teacher and she explains the lessons really well but she has no control over her class. She can't keep them quiet enough to make sure the information sinks in well and eventually gave up on trying to teach us to her best ability.

Mrs. Jenkins is in her early thirties with curly, black hair that goes to her shoulders. She's pretty short but wears heels that increase her height along with business suits to make her look more professional. Although, if you need help in the class, all you have to do is go to her and she'll help you. She makes pre-calculus easy which is a shock because I'm never good at math.

I check my phone and start reading another book on Wattpad I found which I thought was pretty funny. Surprise, surprise, I like to, unpopular opinion about to be inserted here so prepare to gasp, read! No I don't like watching the movie, although I will because I have to see how they messed it up, I like reading the actual book, whether it be a book on Wattpad or a paperback book from the library or my personal collection. Trust me, I've told some people I like to read and they've looked as if I told them I was a Satanist or something. Reading isn't popular anymore and that's really sad because it's one of the best things you can do. You get to escape reality and make relations with fictional characters that aren't real but they feel real to you. You don't get that from movies, unless you count Titanic which I still cry everytime Jack dies because let's be honest here, they could've tried harder to balance it out, but that's just me.

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