Chapter 41: Trevor

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To say these three weeks have been awkward would've been downplaying it. For Pre-Cal I ended up working with Dumbass Keith because he was the only open guy. History was okay because I didn't have any of the guys in it with me so it was my period to escape the awkwardness. I never realized how used to them I was until now that I refused to talk to them. In Anatomy I still sit next to Nolan but neither of us talk to each other unless it's really necessary and even then we have a hard time communicating. English has to be the worst, I have Sophie and Alec which makes it difficult to concentrate. I left that group and joined a group with Emma who's one of Kiera's friends'. The new group is much louder than I'm used to but better than the awkwardness in the previous group.

I thought lunch would consist of me secretly eating in the library but Kiera has made me have lunch with her group. Jake's in the group so it's pretty bearable now that we've gotten past the break up phase. He told everyone about Sarah and how he has a kid and his kid is very adorable. She has her dad's blue eyes and her mom's black hair. Lunch was a lot fuller of gossip than I was used to but they were funny and Kiera really tried to make me feel included. I kind of feeling guilty for leaving her all those years ago.

Fifth period is the worst of the whole day. The other boys won't talk to me and it seems pretty easy for them but not for Asher. Asher wants to say something every time he sees me but he has to use all his energy to keep from talking to me. As for me, I hang out with Vivian and Marc, who I still can't stand, but they're putting in an effort so I am too. Although, it's hard to concentrate on them when Asher's staring at me all class period wanting to say something but can't.

I found out the truth about that which was, they made a deal to not talk to me because I left. Also if they weren't going to get what they wanted, they really had no reason to talk to me. The sad thing, Sophie told everyone about our fight and how the boys were sick of bringing me everywhere but not getting any action. If I was pissed at them before, I was furious now but I decided to not care; they clearly don't so why should I?

Going home, Kiera usually took me, but we always went to her house first, her parents bought her her own house because she caught them both cheating. The house is pretty nice, a bachelorette pad with a hot tub, small pool, two bedrooms, a nice living room but a tiny kitchen. We usually chill there until late and then she takes me home. I'm more on edge at home since the break in but I keep a weapon on me at all times, it's a kitchen knife because I'm too young to get a gun. But I think the guy got scared off; if he was after me, I'm sure he wasn't expecting me to fight back, or Alec showing up. I have to say, I feel less safe without them but I have no choice, I have to take care of myself until summer. I've decided to move to Florida after graduation and just have a fresh start; I think I deserve one after everything that happened.

But enough with the past; let's get to the present. It's Saturday and I plan a pretty easy day consisting of Greys Anatomy because it's my recent obsession and quite possibly 90210 afterwards because season one was pretty good but season two is kind of slow. Regardless, I didn't plan to leave my bed but someone had other plans. Jake shows up at my house with Sarah and Kiera.

"Hey Evie," Kiera says, hugging me tightly. Sarah follows suit and introduces me to her little girl, Hailey, who is far cuter in person.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, holding Hailey while she makes cute baby faces at me.

"Well we're here because you're going to a party with us tonight," Jake lets me know.

"A party? No way."

"Come on, you haven't gone anywhere since the fight and you really should get out. They're out living their life, you shouldn't be upset to live yours," Kiera tells me.

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