Chapter 9: Games

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I had to lie to my parents because even though they are cool, they still value education and for sure wouldn't enjoy the fact I was going out with four bad boys on a school night. I told them Sophie and I were going to the library to study, I don't know how much they believed me but they eventually agreed as long as I was back by 10:30.

So instead of studying for my pre-calculus quiz tomorrow, I'm going to be hanging out with four bad's so nice to know where my priorities lie. The thing was, I wasn't even going to drive because they said they were coming to pick us up. I already knew Asher knew where I lived considering he gave me the book but it stilled creeped me out how he knew where I lived.

I knew if we were going to toughen up, I wasn't going to wear anything nice so I put on a pair of black sweats, Nikes and left my gray sweatshirt. I let my hair out of the French braid, which leaves it in waves, and just put the hair tie around my wrist. I take a deep breath and grab my phone as I hear a car pull up. Looking out the window, I see a black Cadillac Escalade pull up, my parents gawk at it.

"That's a nice car," my dad says.

"We're buying one," my mom gasps.

"Along with a Ferrari," my dad puts in and my mom rolls her eyes.

"But it's so nice."

"And so expensive," my dad puts in which makes them bicker. I smile and wave goodbye, basically running out the house so I don't have to get in between that. Oh the sad moments where I'm more mature than my parents. I walk up the Cadillac and the door opens abruptly, almost knocking me over. Alec smirks at me and I roll my eyes; figures.

"You almost hit me," I tell him and he sighs.

"Almost," he says, sadly. I flash him a fake smile and make sure to hit him in the face with my hand as I jump over him.

"Oops," I says in an innocent voice, "My bad."

Alec glares at me and I roll my eyes, nothing new. I head to the third row seat and I see Asher jump back to join me. He throws his arm over my shoulder and flashes me his signature smile. I can't lie and say he isn't attractive because he is. I also know that he knows this and uses it to his will.

"I pick my girls up in style," he says and I raise an eyebrow.

"This is your car?"

"One of them," he says while shrugging, "My dad and I have an understanding. If I promise to not embarrass my family, my dad keeps putting money in my account for me to use at my leisure."

I nod, "Not bad."

"He's spoiled because he's so loaded," Alec says, laughing a little.

I gasp, "Was that a laugh Alec, or did you just cough?" This causes Alec to glare at me and I roll my eyes, "Whoa a glare from Alec? That's new and so unexpected."

Asher bursts into laughter and I can see Beau and Nolan cracking a smile. I can also see Alec smiling a little bit but trying his hardest to hide it. Asher claps as he laughs and says, "I like her, can we please keep her?"


Sophie's waiting outside and when we stop, she jumps in. She sits in the second row, next to Alec and I can only hope she's finally gotten over her fear of him. We continue driving for a while, Asher randomly belting out song lyrics and Alec reaching back to swat him in the face. Sophie stayed quiet, knowing she was sulking because she would rather be studying than hanging out with them. I was just hoping this wasn't their way of driving us out of town to kill us. I mean they are gang members so this could be very real.

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