Chapter 30: Aspen

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***Song is different than the songs I usually put. It might not be your cup of tea but it's a pretty good song and the band is really good too :) If you don't like it you don't have to play it :)***

My dad didn't know that the car he took was the one Asher had bought me, and Asher couldn't say anything because then I'd have to explain what happened with mine. So rather than do that, I let him take it. Asher was upset but he knew there wasn't anything we could do. But we can't dwell on that too much because we're going to Aspen!

I've never flown in a private jet before, and I have to say, there's so much more leg room. The inside of it is luxurious with white leather seats spread out all around. A big TV is in front of each seat which has a long list of movies and shows you can choose from. There's also two rooms which each have two queen beds and a bar. The food is remarkably better too.

The plane ride went remarkably smooth, it was when we landed, my jaw really dropped. When they said Asher has a place in Aspen, I imagined maybe a small cabin or something; in reality, it's a resort. It's wooden with Montgomery written on the front. There's a pool, hot tub, ski lift, ski place, and even a giant statue of his family. Inside, there's are two spiraling staircases leading to the three floors which each house ten rooms. I could sleep in a different room every night if I wanted to.

"Asher..."I say.


"Why didn't you tell me you owned a resort?" I wonder.

"Because it's technically not, it used to be, but now it's the Montgomery Family Cabin," he tells me.

"This is more than a cabin," I mutter, walking into the living room. There's a black leather couch, plasma TV over a white marble fireplace, dark wood floors, and a sliding door leading to the pool and hot tub.

"Come on," he smirks, "I'll show you to your room."

He grabs my bags, dragging them up the stairs, I just stare around in shock. I know this stuff shouldn't surprise me, I know Asher's really rich, but holy shit, a resort? My mind's still not grasping this.

My room is on the third floor, the very last door. Inside, my breath is taken away. There's a king bed with white and black covers, and a canopy draping the top of the bed. There's a black dresser, plasma TV with a Wii, and a huge walk-in closet full of outfits I've never seen before. The bathroom is breathtaking as well with a giant shower, white marble bathtub, white marble sinks, and a mirror that lights up. But the thing that makes it the most special is the two double glass doors which lead to the balcony. My room overlooks every aspect of Aspen. I can see the gorgeous mountains which is honestly the best part. But the town also is lit up with these yellow lights that just leave you breathless. I could live here for the rest my life if I had to honestly.

"So you like your room?" Asher asks, with a grin.

"Like?" I say, breathlessly, "I absolutely love it! Like it's perfect!"

He smiles, "I'm glad you love it! Oh and the clothes in the closet belong to my sister but she will never wear them again so feel free to wear whatever interests you."

"I couldn't do that," I admit, "Although, they are nice."

"Please, be my guest, my sister ditched them here for a reason," he shrugs, "Oh, just to let you know, Nolan and Beau are on the second floor, first and fifth door, while Alec and I are here on the third. I'm the first room and Alec is the sixth."

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