Chapter 33

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Sarah's POV

I walked out of Hayes's room and walked back to mine and Gray's room. Yes my stuff's still in the room I just don't sleep there. I walk in and I see Gray sitting there. No we still haven't talked. I doubt he even remembers what happened since he was that drunk.
"Hey, babe"
"Don't call me babe!"
"What the hell is your problem?"
"Why don't you ask ur brother or any other person that is in this God damn house!?"
"Ooookay?" He said as he walked out.
I began to get myself ready and took a shower and got dressed. (Outfit above)

Grayson's POV

I don't remember anything that happened last night.
Why was Sarah yelling at me? I guess everyone knows but me. I walk to Ethan's rooms and see him on his phone.
"Hey... Umm Eth?" I said causing him to look up from his phone.
"Oh hey Gray whats up?"
"Can you help me with something?"
"Is it about the party last night?"
"How'd you know?"
"Everyone does bro. You broke her heart man."
"I did?"
"You don't remember?"
"No that's umm kinda the reason I came to talk to you I don't remember anything from last night."
"Come here. Sit down bup. It's gonna be a story to tell."
I did as he said and walked to his bed and sat.
"Okay so me, you, and the guys were having a fun time. But we all got drunk. Well you started dancing with some girl and well you guys went up to yours and Sarah's room and well that's all I remember. You'll have to go and talk to ash for the rest of the story."
"Okay thanks bup."
"No problem"
I walked to ashes room and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps walking towards the door. Ash opened the door and gave me a look of discuss.
"What the fuck do you want best friend fucker!!"
"I'm sorry to bother you I - I just came to ask about what happened last night."
She opened the door for me and we sat on her bed.
"What do you know?" She said still pissed off.
"Well I know that I went upstairs with some girl last night? But that's all I remember."
"Well you fucked the girl that's only been here for what a day!?!? You cheated on your girlfriend! She's devastated she walked in on you! Do you know how she feels right now?!" I looked down and let a tear fall down my cheek.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry. I never meant for this to happen." I said looking up.
"Oh shut up stop acting like you cafe by putting on this fake ass show! With your fake ass tears if you cared that much you wouldn't have done it!"
I couldn't help but cry. I put my face in my hands and cried.
"I do care I've loved her from the first day I met her on that plane. I've never stopped loving her. I was drunk it was a mistake. I love her to much to just let her go." I said looking her directly in the eyes.
I truly meant every word I said.

Ash's POV

I looked at the crying Grayson sitting on my bed. He looked me in the eyes and said, "I do care I've loved her from the first day I met her on that plane. I've never stopped loving her. I was drunk it was a mistake. I love her to much to just let her go."
I looked deep in his eyes, he showed truth in his eyes. I can't believe it he really does love her.
"You are telling the truth aren't you?" I said looking at his eyes.
"Like I said I never meant to hurt her, it was a mistake I never intended on this happening I want her back in my life. I'll die without her, I'd do anything for her."
"Well you shouldn't be saying this to me lover boy you should be saying this to the girl you love."
"I would but I can't she said she didn't want to talk to me. I don't blame her."
"Hey, hey, hey, if you love her that much you would do anything to get her back even if it takes some hard work."
"Okay. But how?"
"Well we could get everyone in on the while thing. How much do you love her?"
"I love her with all my heart. Id love to spend the rest of my life with her bu- wait are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"That I want food then yes."
"No, But yes I want food too come on let's get everyone in on this and explain the plan okay. Is she gonna be here today?"
"Umm no she texted me earlier and told me she was going out to the mall with Hayes."
"Okay? Do I need to be jealous?"
"Honestly I don't know. But hurry up before you lose her forever." He shot right up and we ran to tell everyone to meet in the kitchen so we could get started on the plan.

Okay I have some good and bad news... I'm ending this book within the next 2 chapters. Like I'll have another chapter and then I'll have the epilogue. I'm ending the book soon because I'm running out of ideas. Plus I'm under a lot of pressure by writing two or three books all at once. But.... The good news is after I finish my book bullied or loved which I'll be ending soon as well. I'm gonna do a sequel.... To this book it's going to be called Just One Chance. But anyways it's very sad to be seeing this book come to an end I had such a fun time writing it. I'm sorry but I'll try and finish my other book soon. So I can start the Just One Chance.
So you know the drill.. I will see all of you beautiful babes later😘 I love you❤

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