Chapter 7

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*After the flight*

Gray's POV

After our flight we all said bye to each other and me and Ethan went to our apartment for a little bit then we headed over to kian and Jc's house to film a video. Once we finished we all started talking about Sarah. "Guys this girls different." I said.
"Yeah she is." They all said in unison.
"Wait.. Awww u like don't u gray." I heard Kian and Jc say.
"Maybe" I said with a smile coming across my face.
"Dude u do like her!!" Kian shouted.
"Shut up guys!"
"Well why don't you text her and ask her if she wants to go out with you tonight?" Said Jc.
"Because.. I know she doesn't like me and she won't say yes."
"Dude get some confidence and just do it" Ethan said.
"Fine guys!"
"Alright bro!" Ethan said.
I then took out my phone and texted Sarah.

Me- Hey, I was wondering if you would like to hang/go out tonight?

Sarah😘- yeah sure why not?

Me- okay that's great!!

Sarah😘- okay! So where are we going?

Me- That's a suprise! I'll pick you up at 8:00 is that good?😉

Sarah😘- okay sounds good see you at 8:00

Me- okay see you soon beautiful❣❣😉😘

Sarah😘- hehehe bye Gray😏😏

I can't believe she said yes I was doubting myself thinking she would say no but she actually said yes oh my god I can't wait to tell the guys.

"Hey how'd it go did you ask her?" Jc said.

"Uhhh... yeah I asked her"

"Well then what's then what's the problem bro?" Says Ethan.

"Uhh nothing"
"What did she not say yes or something?" Kian said.
"Yeah she said yes!"
"Alright man!" They all shouted.
So if she said yes then what's the problem?" Kian asked confused.
"Nothing I'm just nervous and I really like this girl I don't wanna mess this up!"
"Wow" they all said in unison.
"Well come on it's 6:30 we gotta get you ready bro!!" Ethan said.
"Alright but can you guys pick out my outfit because I can't... I can do it when I'm not trying to impress someone but she's different"
"Yeah let's go!" Jc said.
So we went to go pick out my outfit and they picked out the best thing.

After I took my shower and got dressed it was 7:50 so i had to head over to Sarah's house I left and I got her some flowers and I knocked on the door

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After I took my shower and got dressed it was 7:50 so i had to head over to Sarah's house I left and I got her some flowers and I knocked on the door.

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