Chapter 8

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Sarah's POV

I was sitting on my phone and I got a knock on my door. I went down to answer
the door and I saw Grayson standing there with a bouquet of roses pink and red.
"Hey Gray."
"Hi Sarah."
"Uhh here you go pretty flowers for a pretty girl!"
"Oh thank you Gray!"
I looked down and blushed o can't help it when I'm with gray it's just something different.
"Shall we..."
"Oh and by the way you look beautiful"
"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself"
"Nah you look better ok so let's get going"
"Gray where are we going?" "We are going to the carnival and I'm gonna take you on the top of the ferris wheel at the end."
"Oh ok...but on the ferris wheel can you hold my hand I'm scared of hights"
"Thank you"

Gray's POV

I got a date with her and can I say she looked really good.
I told her our plans for for the date and when I told her about the ferris wheel she said she was scared of hights and asked if I could hold her hand I said sure. I hope this night goes well so we can do it again.
We got to the carnival and it was dark and everything was lit up and it looked absolutely fantastic.
We walked around holding hands we played some games and I even won her the big stuffed Teddy Bear she liked so much.
Finnaly it was time to go in the ferris wheel. We got on and we had finnaly reached the top we looked over the sky. I looked at her she looked scared so I grabbed her face gently and looked her in her eyes and said "it's okay I'm here I got you." We both leaned in and we kissed she was in shock at first then she kissed back.

Sarah's POV

He took me on the ferris wheel I got scared he looked me in the eyes and he said "it's okay I got you" then we both leaned in and kissed I was on shocks first because I never thought something like that would happen with Grayson Dolan. We kissed slowly but passionately after about 20 seconds of that we put our heads together and smiled. We got off the ride and walked to the car and he took me home it was silent the way there. Finnaly we got to my house.
"Thank you Gray for a great night"
"Thank you and no problem anytime"
"Well that's gonna suck because I'm going back to New Jersey tommorow"
"Oh yea I forgot....wait did you say New Jersey?"
"Yeah why?"
"Because I live in New Jersey well my parents do and me and Ethan visit them alot."
"I'll see you tommorow before you leave right?"
"Yeah you have my number bye gray!"

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