Chapter 5

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*Jc's POV*

I think I'm really gonna like this girl. She already feels like a sister to me. I just hope she meant all the words she said.

*Ethan's POV*

Wow. I can't believe this girl she's the most amazingly caring girl I've ever met. I think I like her. But I can tell Gray likes her so I'll keep my distance and see how things play out. She cares about us and like us for us. Not for our fame. She's something special. I just hope she meant all the things she said. I mean I'm just tired of be let down.

*Gray's POV*

Wow! This girl. Everything about her is just. It's just too hard to explain. She's perfect. She's soft, she's beautiful, she's caring, she smells good, and she gives the best hugs EVER! All I know is that I like her maybe even love her and I want to be with her and only her forever and always. But I know she'll never feel the same way I do.

*Sarah's POV*

I like these guys a lot there like brothers to me, but one really stood out. Gray. He smells good he's really cute everything about him is just hard to explain. All I know is that I want to be with him and only him forever and always. But I know he'll never feel the same. But I just want all the guys to know that I really care about them I wasn't just saying that. I meant every word. I just hope they can start to trust me, I care about them alot they mean alot to me.

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