Chapter 25

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Sarah's POV

It was the next day I woke up and decided I'd make breakfast for everyone. Since they were all asleep. I walked into the kitchen to make us all some (eggs, bacon, grits, SAUSAGE! Cuz u gotta wake up in the morning and get that SAUSAGE! I can't even with myself!) pancakes and some bacon. I was almost done, I was cooking the last of the pancakes. When I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I turned around to find and awake Grayson.
"Morning sweet cheeks"
"Morning babe, and what's with the whole sweet cheeks thing?"
"Nothing, it's just that ur cute and you have the cutest dimples when you laugh, they are so noticeable so I decided I'd call you sweet cheeks"
"Oh okay, but if you get to call me sweet cheeks I get to call you hot lips."
"Oh and why is that?" He asked smirking.
"Just because you have hot lips duh"
"Wow I never knew that?! They must be something special huh?" He asked giving me a little chuckle.
"Oh, shut up if you wanna eat breakfast" I said playfully slap his chest.
"Case closed!" He said throwing his hands up in defense.
"Your so wierd"
"Ik but you that like it's a bad thing and plus you act like your not wierd"
"Touché Mr. Dolan"
"Haha whatever"
"C'mon let's eat!"
By the time I finished cooking the rest of the food. Every else had woken up. To come and eat. We all ate and went to watch TV.
"Hey sweet cheeks?"
"Yeah hot lips?"
"How about we go out tonight? Ya know just me and you for like a date night."
"Yeah I mean sure why not."
"Okay I was thinking maybe about going out to the mall and we can shop for a while and then go out for dinner later. You know for like our first official date."
And with that me and Gray went to our rooms to take our showers before we went to the mall. After about an hour we both left.

After the car ride

We finnaly pulled into the mall parking lot. We walked in and went to a couple of our favorite stores to go into together and then we went into some stores alone. We said we'd meet up at Starbucks. The wierd thing about all of this is that I felt someone watching me and Gray when we walked together. Even when we went to our separate stores alone. I still felt someone watching me. I had no clue who it was but I just decided to shake it off. I wasn't going to tell Gray. I wanted to I just didn't want to worry him that's all.

Gray's POV

Me and Sarah went to the mall for a while before we went on our first official date. I was having a great time with her today. We went into stores together and shopped then we went to different stores and shopped. We said we'd meet up at Starbucks around 5:00 and it was only 2:30 now. So I still had some time to kill so I went to some more stores. I was just walking around the store I was in and I felt someone watching me. I looked around but no one was there. In fact, I felt someone watching me all day, when I was with Sarah and alone. I had no clue who it could be. So I didn't think anything of it so I just shook it off. I wasnt going to tell Sarah. I wanted to but I just didn't want her to worry.

2 ½ hours later

It was time to meet Sarah at Starbucks. I walked in and she was already there I gave her a smile and went to sit down with her after I ordered.

Sarah's POV

I didn't feel right anymore because I still felt someone watching me. So I just decided to walk to Starbucks early. I was only half an hour early so I didn't wait long. Then Gray walked in he kinda gave me a worried smile and I did the same a few moments later he sat with me after he ordered his coffee.
"Hey, Gray when you came in what was that worried look you gave me when you came in?"
"Ohh uhh nothing..."
"Yes it was now please tell me because I'm starting to get really worried!?"
"Fine. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to freak out or anything. But I felt someone watching me... us all day."
"Wow. Ummm that's really wierd because I felt someone watching me... us all day too."

Gray's POV

When she said that I really started to get really worried.
We finnaly just went home but where it was safe. Where we could wait until it was time to go out for our date in a little while.

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