Chapter 23

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Gray's POV

After the party

After the party was over a few friends stayed the night. We all played spin the bottle. It was me, Sarah, Ethan, Ash, Aaron Carpenter, and Nate Garner.
We all sat down in a circle and got a bottle.
"Now gray your not gonna go super protective mode again are ya that's what happened last time and she ran away!" Ashlyn said laughing.
"Haha no I'm not in fact to put a little spin on the game to prove I'm not jealous let's do 7 minutes in heaven while playing soon the bottle?"
"Yeah let's do it" everyone said getting excited.
"Okay so here's how it's gonna go we spin the bottle whoever it lands on spins first. When they spin whoever it lands on they have to play the game and go into the closet for the 7 minutes in heaven portion."
I said pointing towards the closet.
"Okay" everyone said.
"Okay I'll spin it to see who goes first." Sarah said reaching for the bottle.
"Okay looks like your first.... Nate"
Nate spun the bottle and it landed on Sarah.
I tried my best not to get jealous I promised her I wouldn't. I got jealous but I didn't show it. And with that they left.
(Ya dirty minded people you can imagine what happens next😏)

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