Chapter 20

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A few months later

Sarah's POV

Me and Gray have been dating for a couple months. Alot has happened between these few months. We started online schooling because the guys were getting very famous from vine and YouTube. We all moved into the beach house together. It's me, Ethan, Gray, Kian, Ashlyn, and Jc. We all decided we'd move in together just because the guys are at our house more than they are at there own houses. We're all pretty happy. Me and Gray and Kian and Ashlyn are happy. Ethan and Jc have met a couple girls they've had connections with but they haven't really found the right one yet. I keep tell them they'll find someone. I'm really excited because it's Gray and Ethan's birthday this weekend they turn 16!
I can't wait they don't know i remember there birthday so they are in for a real suprise.

Ethan's POV

Everything has been going great. We all moved in together. We moved on to online school because everyone is loving our YouTube content and our vines so we decided it would be better if we did online schooling. I've moved on from liking Sarah, her and Gray are really happy together I mean I still like her but she a best friend to me and I would do anything to protect her. I've went on a couple dates to try and move on from her, a couple went great but ik still looking for that special someone. But I'm really excited because its me and Gray's 16th birthday this weekend. Sarah doesn't know it's our birthday and that's fine, but Ashlyn Kian and Jc know its our birthday. I just want to spend it with them.

Kian's POV

We all moved on together. Me and Ashlyn are doing great we are in love we argue sometimes but it's over stupid things but overall we are perfect and happy together.

Jc's POV

I've been dating for a while but they haven't lasted too long, but I'm still on the look for the right girl.

Gray's POV

Me and Sarah have been great we've started online schooling. This weekend is me and Ethan's birthday, only the guys and Ashlyn know because we've known them forever. Sarah probably doesn't know or remember when i told her when my birthday was and that's fine. I don't think I'm gonna tell her. Well I mean I'll tell her just not yet maybe the day after our birthday.

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