Chapter 30

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Ash's POV

I walked to my gate to get Kian and Jc. I waited for the doors to open. There he was the love of my life. We both ran to hug each other we hugged for about 5 minutes. "Oh come on can you two get a room!" Jc said jokingly.
"Oh shut up" I said playfully slapping his shoulder.
"Babe, guess who missed you?" Kian asked.
"Umm I don't know Jc?" I asked playing dumb.
We all laughed. Then I gave Kian a kiss.
"Hop on" Kian said pointing to his back.
I jumped on Kian's back and he walked us to the doors where we were supposed to meet Sarah and the girls/guys.

Ethan's POV

Gray and I walked up to the gate to meet the guys.
"BROMIEOMIES!!" They all screamed meeting us into group hug.
"WHAT'S UP" Gray and I yelled back. We finished our little hugs and walked to the front doors to see Sarah, Ash, and the guys/girls waiting for us by the door.

Sarah's POV

"Gray, Eth, Ash, Lawelypop, and Cloudy, and the other guys I would like you to meet Jess(ica), Ashley, and Emma!"
"Nice to meet you!" All the guys said.

"Okay Sarah, Ash, Emma, Jess, and Ashley. I would like you guys to meet. Jack J, jack G, Matt, Cam, Hayes, Nash, Aaron, Taylor, Shawn, and Carter!" Grayson and Ethan said switching off between names.
"Heyyyy girlfriends!" They all said acting like classic white girls. (No offense😂😂😂)
I think I'm gonna like these guys.
"Hey guys I just had this idea."
"What?" They all said.
"How about we throw a party tonight huh? What do ya say?"
"YEAHHHHH" They all replied.
"Okay umm if you guys have any friends that you want to invite that lives here in California that would be great." They all nodded in agreement.
We all walked to the Uber and went to our rooms and invited friends over for the party.

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